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  1. Vicky


    ... ok ... i know this is lame but how do you like to take a shower ? music ? drinks ? company ? hot or cold showers ? anyone sings in the shower ? i say alone, with Sublime and a beer warm water, but not too warm how about baths? do you guys like those ? with candles...
  2. Vicky

    Vegetarian Diet

    well, what do you guys think ? "agree" ? "disagree" ? " agree in theory, but is it doable " ? do you think it's healthy ? anyone tried it at all ? do you think being a vegan is just sick ? and please lets not discuss atkins diet here, weight loss is not what this thread is about.
  3. Vicky


    i think these guys just deserve a thread actually, they deserve much more than just a thread MUSE is a pretty new UK band, i think they're big over there but not as popular here yet i just saw them (for six dollars) and they were AMAZING it's like rock with some keyboard solos, has a...
  4. Vicky

    Red Room

    anyone played this before ? i've tried a million times and still can't get through it have fun !
  5. Vicky


    Thank you for stopping by ! Have a seat and the tea will be ready in a second So let me tell you what this is all about MY 1G DEDICATION ! :party: I never thanked you guys for keeping me here for such a long time ! so here it comes : thank you to all of you - the ones i that are fun...
  6. Vicky

    spread the sacred word of Foamy ! awesome cartoons i hope you like them try "dating advice" "foamy's rant" and "foamy's rant II" and then go on to the other ones and just so you don't get too confused, Foamy is squirrel who lives with a goth chick named Germaine.
  7. Vicky

    Reveal Yourself Chat. New And Improved.

    hope the mods don't mind this one ... i think we need it :)
  8. Vicky

    closeminded people

    i was just standing in the bathroom, washing my face and started thinking about it. i know i can be pretty closeminded sometimes, no matter how much i try to avoid it. and i really don't understand why ! why do we deny things without even thinking about them ? why can't we just give it a shot...
  9. Vicky

    Chapelle's Show

    My life is filled with quotes from Chapelle's Me and my friends use them to communicate my fav. one is " LOOK HERE NIGGER THAT OVERTHERE IS MY GIRL, AND IF ANYONE IS GONNA HAVE SEX WITH MY SISTER, IT'S GONNA BE ME ! " what's yours ? P. S. i hope everyone knows the show and...
  10. Vicky

    The Wonderful World Of Larry Carlson

    i don't know how many of you are interested in art but CHECK THIS OUT
  11. Vicky

    emotional pain

    i know it sounds silly but i really don't know the answer to this question
  12. Vicky

    Songs That Really Hurt Your Ears

    i don't know if this thread already exists, if it does you're very wellcome to delete mine ... .. #1 on my list is Blink 182 - I Miss You #2 is that new Fred Durst song .... don't know what it's called the really slow one
  13. Vicky

    !!! Lesbians !!!

    well ..... what do you guys think of lesbians ? i personally don't really care for them, i'm straight so they don't really bother me but i can't watch them for too long note: this thread was started by a special request. :P
  14. Vicky

    BoYs :)

    i think it would be fear if we (i mean the girls on here) had our own thread to talk about boys, their good and bad qualities, our "dream boyfriends" or real boyfriends .... and share hot guy pictures...... so here it is ! and lets make it fun
  15. Vicky


    i'd like to know what you guys think of dreams do you enjoy seeing them ? do you think they come true ? do you think they have anything to do with deja vus ? just anything that has something to do with dreams ..... you're also wellcome to post your dreams on here .... i'd love to know what...