shower (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
... ok ... i know this is lame

how do you like to take a shower ?
music ?
drinks ?
company ?
hot or cold showers ?
anyone sings in the shower ?

i say alone, with Sublime and a beer
warm water, but not too warm

how about baths?
do you guys like those ? with candles and wine and bubbles ?

Buy on


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
There are three types of showers I take:

1. "Thunder Shower" Usually in the morning when I am in the hurry. Take 5-6 minutes. Soap myself up, wash my head with shampoo, brush my teeth and I am already getting dressed for work.

2. "Rainy Shower" Usually in the evening after I've been sweating under 40 degree heat all day building the pipeline. Take 10-15 minutes, I basically do the same stuff, but in a much slower paste. My bed and TV are waiting for me the next door.

3. "Beautiful Moonlight" shower- Usually take a shower with my girlfriend, or (thank God she hates internet) another female. Takes 25-30 minutes. Same stuff as in the previous "showers" we do one to another, without getting into too much details. These normally take place when I am off work.

- music. No, it distracts me. No singing either.
- beer. Why to have beer during a shower when I do it in the bar?
- cold showers. No thanks, I prefer hot, sometimes warm.

And the last thing- shower acts as a great thermo-regulator. Like when you wake up early in the morning and you feel all cold and stuff... shower raises our body temperature and makes us feel good.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
I always do my 10 minute shower.......
usually i spend more time singing mu usual rock7metalsongs...jaja whata craooy isnger i am!!!


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
shower ?! that term sounds familiar!! it involved water, right?

i think i had one of those .. in... err.... 1993 .. or was it 1992!!?


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I shower in the mornings to wake me up, and I hate those cold mornings where you know that as soon as you turn off the hot water, it'll be freezing again. I take pretty long showers for a guy, but most of the time I just stand there and bask in the lovely heat.

I sing my head off in the shower. There's a certain point in the shower that you can stand, and the sound waves resonate perfectly from the walls to give you a truly harmonic surround sound experience :geek:

I have my showers extremely hot, and people tell me that I radiate heat for several hours afterwards.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
I shower in the mornings to wake me up, and I hate those cold mornings where you know that as soon as you turn off the hot water, it'll be freezing again. I take pretty long showers for a guy, but most of the time I just stand there and bask in the lovely heat.
That's the best part!


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Dj Juve ] ++
How come no one here has mentioned rubber duckies
Because they're for the bath you dumbass.

Ever wonder why they didn't float for you? :LOL:
Aug 1, 2003

I prefer bubbly baths, with a glass of plain water (I only drink plain water most of the time, and since I don't drink wine whatsoever :D )

as for shower, it must be warm... and only on occassions would I shower when the water is cold because sometimes in Malaysia it's bloody hot you could just melt.

The best thing about showering is shampooing. I love it.

Now, music is A MUST. I could sometimes waste 10 minutes on music selectiong when I want to take a shower even when I'm late for something.

I don't usually sing though, I just like listening to music and drown in my own thoughts.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Vicky ] ++
... ok ... i know this is lame

how do you like to take a shower ?
music ?
drinks ?
company ?
hot or cold showers ?
anyone sings in the shower ?

i say alone, with Sublime and a beer
warm water, but not too warm

how about baths?
do you guys like those ? with candles and wine and bubbles ?

Well, I usually sing a bit in the showers, not too loud, just to myself. Warm water... and some company would be dearly, dearly appriciated... very dearly... doesnt even have to be in the shower... :sigh:

Dont mind me, I'm feeling down :sigh:


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Nah, I'm just feeling lonely... :sigh:

AS my friend Sting would say:

"Well, someone told me yesterday
That when you throw your love away
You act as if you don’t care
You look as if you’re going somewhere
But I just can’t convince myself
I couldn’t live with no one else
And I can only play that part
And sit and nurse my broken heart, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely

Now no-one’s knocked upon my door
For a thousand years, or more
All made up and nowhere to go
Welcome to this one man show
Just take a seat, they’re always free
No surprise, no mystery
In this theatre that I call my soul
I always play the starring role, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely
So lonely
So lonely, so lonely, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely, so lonely
I feel lonely, I’m so lonely, I feel so low
I feel lonely, I’m so lonely, I feel so low"


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
nice theme!

well,when i am not washing my hair,i am taking a very short and VERY hot shower!!

but when i want to wash my hair...shave my legs etc etc... i put in the batchroom my radio,and i am not using very hot water

not smg very special!!


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #17
    alright some more questions now:
    do you think it's true that girls prefer taking showers alone ?
    and guys like taking showers with girls ?


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Vicky ] ++
    alright some more questions now: you think it's true that girls prefer taking showers alone ?
    2.and guys like taking showers with girls ?
    actually i think that
    1.the girls prefer to take bath ENDLESS HOURS.....

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