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  1. AnnA

    Your fav cell phones (Cell phones thread)

    I am pretty sure that I am not the only one person who really likes mobiles. So I would like to know your opinions, what are your favourite mobile phones, which do you have, which would you like to have.... For beginning, here is mine. LG L1400 And his features (from LG page)...
  2. AnnA

    Help PLZ!

    Anybody knows some GOOD AND FREE program where I can add Basses or RMX my MP3 songs???
  3. AnnA

    Ioan Gruffud

    I am sure that everyone who saw the movie "102 dalmatians" (specialy girls :D ) noticed that gorgeous guy who plays the man who has the pet shop. I just love him!!!! He is soooo sexy and soooo cool!!!!!!!
  4. AnnA

    Help please!

    Could anybody tell me some really good Techno or Tech-House songs? I adore that type of music, but it would be much easyer for me if you say some that you like! Thanks! :)
  5. AnnA

    Black Eyed Peas

    Anybody likes them? I think they are really really cool!
  6. AnnA

    Gosh.. Check this!

    Well, some of you probablly know this, but this is so scary thing for me! You remember what happened on September 11th? The first plane was flight Q33. Now do the next: In Microsoft Word type Q33 NY (that is the name of plane and of city - New York), then put the font size to 72, and change...
  7. AnnA

    CoMpUtEr ViRuSeS

    Tell me about your experiences! My comp crashed 3 times because of them!!!! Which viruses were in your computer? How did you solve the problem???? And if somebody knows the name of virus that every time you go to Internet opens a new window with announcmets like "Enlarge your *****" or stuff...
  8. AnnA

    Are you afraid of death?

    Death...... I am so so so scared of it!!!! Specially now when I have some reasons to begin to prepare for death of one of the persons I love more that anything... But ok... What do you think??? I just can`t imagine that, one day, I will die, and that people will come to MY funeral... It...
  9. AnnA

    Just for people that care about me (If here are any)

    I am leaving Forums for some time. I dunno how much time, maybe days, maybe months, maybe forever. Reasons are some people, here and not here on Forums. Because of them I decided to do this. I need some time. :down: In case that I dont return here: I had really great time here and I am soo...
  10. AnnA

    Yay, Merry Christmas!!!!

    This Christmas is the best best best in my life and I would like to say to all of you guys: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!! I wish you all much much health, happiness an love!!!! :kiss: I love you all!!! Ana :heart:
  11. AnnA

    Can you help me?

    Please, can anybody help me to find the link where I can download this songs? I searched for links so much, but I haven`t found any that works! :down: Songs: George Michael - Last Christmas Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You And sure you can recomend me...
  12. AnnA

    Please help me!!!!!!

    Well, about a month ago, my computer chrashed completlly, and I lost all my pictures..... So PLEASE, PLEASE, CAN YOU BE SO KIND AND POST SOME PICS OF NESTA, GIGI, CAMO OR TACCHI ON MY E-MAIL ADRESS??? :down: P L E A S E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! [email protected] THANK YOU!!!!!
  13. AnnA

    Guys, what the hell is happening????

    Yes, what`s happening here?????? Forums have become so so boring!!! Any time I come here, I am almost alone! And when here is someone, we just never talk! :down: Lilly, Gray, Bahraini, Darin, Mermaidah, Goaty, Nosubstitute959, SteveIvy, what is happening?????????? Why we don`t talk anymore...
  14. AnnA

    What Is A Walama??????

    Please, please, please, guyyys, help me to know WHAT is a Walama?!?!?! :confused::confused: I am sooo damn interested, and I can`t find informations about that "thing"! Here`s a pic, so if you can, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!! :dontcare::frown:
  15. AnnA

    Your favourite SMS messages

    I love to collect different SMS messages, romantic, funny, silly, strange, even sexy :devil: So guys, if you have some -> Write them here!!! You will help me very much because I really love them, specially romantic! So , go on! ;)
  16. AnnA

    Just to say "Thank you, guys!"

    Hello everyone! Don`t ask me WHY I created this thread, but I just feel a need to say THANK YOU to some persons here, maybe because today is my birthday, maybe because I feel great, I dunno! :confused: Anyway ->let`s begin cause it will be long... :stress: ;) First of all: R E E M...
  17. AnnA

    The RaSmUs

    Hey, guys, what do you think of great band The Rasmus & their absolutelly great song In The Shadows??? I think they are gorgeous!!!! :heart: :thumb:
  18. AnnA

    Stacie Orrico

    Hey guys, few days ago I heard a great song "Stuck" - Stacie Orrico. Damn, she is great! What do you think about her?
  19. AnnA

    The best/worst/sillyest thing you have done!

    Hay everyone! I was thinking about making a new thread, and I tought that this topic may be interesting. So, I guess I have to begin... Let`s see.... BEST: Uf...... Fighting with one girl, which I tought its my friend, but after that fight it was obvious that she is NOT my friend & its...
  20. AnnA


    Well I will try with this thread again... Lill you convinced me.... And MOODS PLEASE DONT REMOVE IT BECAUSE THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE WHO SPEAK THIS LANGUAGES (me :D) AND WHO LIKE THIS THREAD! WELL - this IS a Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian/Slovenian thread, but EVERY language is welcome!! Kisses...