Just for people that care about me (If here are any) (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
May 14, 2003
I am leaving Forums for some time. I dunno how much time, maybe days, maybe months, maybe forever.
Reasons are some people, here and not here on Forums. Because of them I decided to do this. I need some time. :down:

In case that I dont return here: I had really great time here and I am soo happy that I found somebody who divides my passion for Juve.
Hope to see ya soon!!! :)

P.S. I forgot - Tom, please, close this thread like you always do! And enjoy time without me!!!

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Senior Member
Aug 10, 2003
hey anna!! come back!! please...don't leave forever... :down:

It doesn't matter what the people think...
We'll miss you dear....

I'm sure that I will see you soon...

Be careful...

Bye bye


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
I think you should have tried to get your points across in other ways. Ok, you want a chat thread and you feel that Tom is closing too many of your threads, but we had an open dialogue about those things in another thread. I must say that you did an unconvincing job of presenting arguments there, and that, together with this, is not helping changing the forum in the way you want.


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
ah...thnx god it's the first time i am actually get over some reasons she is leaving....

anna....come back...
that's not enough to make ya leave ;)

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
id like to want anna to come back but i guess i dont know her too well. maybe i was too busy reading other football-related threads and didnt have time to read her conversations or find reason to talk to her.

does anyone have the buffononline url to post in here?


Doctor Asma
Oct 21, 2003
why r u leavin...lili opened a thread about the same subject now U!!!

anyways,if u r leavin i wish u all the luck!!

i advise u not to leave!!

Sep 28, 2002
if you really share the passion to juve with, post in football forums at least once in a while.

say at least something like "shit, davids is leaving" even if you dont know who the hell that davids guy is.

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