Dedication for good will, patience and the fact that I can stand you fuckers (1 Viewer)


Sep 29, 2008

Just needed to do this. Was not planning to do it, but here we go.

I want to thank myself for being able to live with you bunch of fucks this long. I want you all to realize how hard it can be to read all your retarded posts everyday. That's why I want you all to know how proud I'm of myself, that I've lasted this long. Most of you hate me and that's OK, someday you will see the truth (you just need to believe in it).

Special thanks to
  • Rab (someday we will have hot wild sex, just me and you Ryan)
  • Aaron
  • Jemmy JemJemSki
  • JannaSKI
  • Klinny
  • Aush
  • Red (the future fanboy of mine)
  • Martin (you piece of shit)
  • Chris (I wish you still were here)
  • Baddy Al's Vidalski (you ain't that bad)
  • Andrea Popeanaldo
  • B81 (for being a Rossi fanboy)
  • B_Aus (for being a pornstar)
  • ID (for being a catholic fuck)
  • Many other fucks who I can't remember right now or who ain't good for anything

I will continue my night with a glass of juice. Yes, this red liquid is juice. That's why it probably tastes like shit. You can all continue your meaningless posting.

Buy on


Sep 23, 2003
I wish you much success on the first step to recovery by admitting that you have a problem. :burke:

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