Miccoli stays in Benfica (1 Viewer)


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
Miccoli, l'agente aveva ragione: rinnovato il prestito al Benfica

19:55 del 11 luglio

Fabrizio Miccoli resta al Benfica. La Juventus ha comunicato che l'attaccante è stato ceduto, ancora in prestito, al club portoghese per la stagione 2006/2007.

La conclusione della trattativa, del resto, era stata anticipata dal giornale portoghese 'Record' secondo il quale il giocatore sarebbe presto tornato al club lusitano. Lo stesso agente dell'attaccante salentino, Francesco Caliandro, contattato da calciomercato.com, aveva confermato in parte l'anticipazione del giornale portoghese, dichiarando: "Sicuramente c'è qualcosa. I tempi, comunque, dovrebbero essere irrisori". Da tempo Miccoli aveva espresso la volontà di rimanere, dopo la stagione passata in prestito, al Benfica.


According to his manager, the loan has been renew, so he will stay in Benfica

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Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
Well here's hoping that Miccoli scores some worldclass goals & that his value rockets ten fold,so we can get millions for him.:pint:


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
It's better that Dwarfy didn't come back, because the club won't stand more trouble-makers at this stage...

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
ReBeL said:
It's better that Dwarfy didn't come back, because the club won't stand more trouble-makers at this stage...
juve made him into a trouble maker, cuz of the lack of faith in him, miccoli in his day was destined to be one of the finest, i wud love to see him back in a bianconero shirt, certainly more than i wud with bojinov


Aug 13, 2004
Badass Devil said:
juve made him into a trouble maker, cuz of the lack of faith in him, miccoli in his day was destined to be one of the finest, i wud love to see him back in a bianconero shirt, certainly more than i wud with bojinov
Me too.I totally agree with you.
He is a great player and he would play a great role for us.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
secco should've sold him, if its the last year in his contract then why keep him on the books of the club when we need every "good" player we could get.

i wanted him to come back to help the club in serie B , but i dont there is no chance there


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2003
i mean this year. instead of loaning him again, why don't we sell him at any price?
or is there any bosman rule about a player who has 1 year left of contract, he can't be sold?


Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
giovanotti said:
We should extend his conctract deal and bring him back in Juve.
He is fantastic and he would be good for serie A,and more than enough for serie B.
He has talent,but did u hear all the trash talk he had to say about Juve?

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