Zalayeta Out Until September (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2003
Juventus striker Marcelo Zalayeta will miss the Italian Super Cup final after that an MRI confirmed he has a strained right knee.

The Uruguayan tower will now have to wear a tutor for 20 days, after which he will need ten more to be completely rehabilitated.

This means Zalayeta will be back at full form for the Serie A's first round of matches.

Now nobody will buy this guy:down::D:D

Buy on


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
Darn .. I was really hoping Zalayeta would be loaned out or sold to another team .. I wanted a fresh replacement for Trezeguet but it seems that it is impossible because Zalayeta can't join a new team now due to his injury :(


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
i think it's for the better!

with DV in better form than last season, and Miccoli replacing Salas, our firepower would be twice as better.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
The friendly against Valle D'Aosta today proved to us that Di Vaio can play as an out-and-out striker and do well, so I don't see why he can't be Treze's back-up :)


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
Zalayeta Out Until September

I like the spin everyone is putting on it. "Oh no, Zalayeta will miss the Super Cup!!!" Yeah, like he was gonna start anyway... gimme a break. :rolleyes:

But if 3 of the other 4 attackers who currently outrank him gets injured... then Juve would be in trouble. But right now? No worries at all.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
i dont think anyone had any doubt over DV playing as the lone striker. what i think most would agree on that juve would have to play differently tactically. DV relies on his pace and differs to trez.

what i think many here, including myselfwant is a direct replacement who doesnt have to have the team change tactically to suit him.


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
I don't know if it is possible .. but maybe Moggi should negotiate with Chievo to bring back Sculli from loan now that Zalayeta is injured ..


Junior Member
Jul 27, 2002
well said alex... completely agree with u...

kaliman, do u remember who practically decided the supercoppa for us last year?
but i agree it's not that bad that he misses the supercoppa, but for other reasons it's bad (transfer-reasons)

dpforever, i really want to have sculli in the team, but i doubt moggi will get him back


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by maxmc ] ++

kaliman, do u remember who practically decided the supercoppa for us last year?
but i agree it's not that bad that he misses the supercoppa, but for other reasons it's bad (transfer-reasons)
Yes I do remember he made that assist. But at the time Juve didn't have Di Vaio and Miccoli. I think we will live through this horrible injurie :D Think about it... Juve got 4 other attacking players who are all better than him.

And yes for transer reasons it sucks. But it seems to me that everyone is thinking about the Super Cup instead... which I don't get.


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by maxmc ] ++
dpforever, i really want to have sculli in the team, but i doubt moggi will get him back
Well I think it has to do with the extent of Zalayeta's injury .. if it is not that serious (as reported) and won't have any implications in the future then maybe he won't recall Sculli .. but if the injury will cause Zala to miss a large part of the season then maybe Moggi would think of it ..


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2002
++ [ originally posted by -Fantasista- ] ++
The friendly against Valle D'Aosta today proved to us that Di Vaio can play as an out-and-out striker and do well, so I don't see why he can't be Treze's back-up :)
the freindly against Valle d'aosta hasn't proved anything. they'r amateurs.

at least Zalayeta is injured now, when we have no official games, except one, but for one game it doesn't matter.

in the regular season we need him too for the depth of the team


Senior Member
Mar 26, 2003
no man, we dont need zala anymore... but it wouldnt harm to keep him for one more season. but lippi should never put him infront of di viao or miccoli, because then, he is mad.
Jul 19, 2003
For some reason, a channel that I just found out about, showed the last game of last season (Juventus 4-3 Chievo), in which Zalayeta scored two fabulous goals.

Now....why is everyone attacking him on this site? Did I just catch him in a rare moment of brilliance or something? To me, the guy was amazing in that game.

I really would like to know what I'm missing.

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