Your personal achievements (1 Viewer)



Senior Member
Jun 4, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #21
    ++ [ originally posted by DaJuve ] ++
    That's why I appreciate those guys playing at the top flight. It's not easy to wake up everyday & do your thing without adverse body effects but the money is a very good incentive :)

    Oh and let's hope your thumb gets better soon - Basketball did that to me a couple of times.
    I wanna crash it on a wall, that's the pain I feel, it's almost like when I broke my hand, but fortunately now it's going better. Thanks for caring.

    Buy on


    Jul 15, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by BloodOnMoral ] ++
    I wanna crash it on a wall, that's the pain I feel, it's almost like when I broke my hand, but fortunately now it's going better. Thanks for caring.
    Believe you me you don't want to do that :)


    Senior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #23
    Probably not quite, but still that's the feeling. Anyway, I didn't have to imobylise it at least. But now it looks like a rag :D


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    I have had some success as a golie in sweden. There was one match we played our biggest rivals. Our teams played matches in three categories on the same day, U13, U15 and U17. I was on the bench the first half (there was this swedish guy on goal, I was better than him :groan:), and we were losing 2-0. In the second half the coach brought me in. The start of the 2nd half was pretty slow, but then things started heating up. An opposition player got a one on one with me, he prepared to shoot but kicked the ball just a bit too far and it got away from him and i sprinted out and threw myself in his feet knees-first and kicked the ball out. If I had been a bit slower he would have scored. And that wasnt the end. Till the final whistle I had three more EXACT SAME saves. The match ended 2-2, as did the other two matches.

    Then two years ago my school played on a fusbal (is that what its called) tournament. We had a pathetic team. All other teams were made of 8th graders, while my school was a private one, so my class only had 5 guys in it, so we had to bring in younger players. We were really PATHETIC. So, we get to the first match and the other team doesnt underestimate us and do their best, and they end up having something like 40 shots on goal in the match (2 halves of 20 minutes). We lost 4-0, and I really was fantastic, I was all torn up an was bleeding (it was played outside on concrete, not inside). So anways there was this one guy that had a shot like a rocket. He shot from some 15 meters out and it was like it was Carlos' ball. It was bloody fast, I hardly saw it, but it went straingt at me, so I just prepared my hands planted my feet firmly and the ball knocked me over, and I fell on my ass. The ball bounced out straight on the foot of another player who hit it wonderfully on the volley. In a desperate attempt I jumped up from the ground and barely managed to turn the ball away just from under the post. It all happened in a split second, it was purely reflexes. :cool: The guy that shot the volley just stood there and said to the other player: "how the f**k did he do that???". I love it when they say that :D

    Anyways, later one of the refs told me I was the best keeper in the tournament, but my team was really crap so we ended up dead last, with no points, losing a lot of games 5-0, 8-0, even 15-0 (I was too tired that game, I saw that there was no point beating myself up, we were gonna lose anyway so I didnt really try very hard).

    And my personal favourite save was in training. There was this guy that was going one on one with me and I threw myself on the ground sliding, hands first trying to get the ball, then (he was about one meter away from me, I was on my side on the ground still sliding) he tried to chip the ball over me, i saw that, and in a split second i lifted my right hand up and managed to turn the ball awy by the left post. He also had that "What the......" look on his face. Also pure reflexes :cool:

    Anyways, I'm done bragging, I'll give the rest of you a chance :D ;)


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by BloodOnMoral ] ++

    I wanna crash it on a wall, that's the pain I feel, it's almost like when I broke my head, but fortunately now it's going better. Thanks for caring.

    That would explain sooooooo many things :D :p ;)


    Senior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #27
    ++ [ originally posted by G_O_A_T ] ++

    That would explain sooooooo many things :D :p ;)
    Actually, it was hand there, but I have a broken finger :doh: , I can't type normally. And I cracked my forehead too, but when I was 2.

    Sunshine - Thanks :)

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