You want to see biased news reporting? Come and look at this BS (2 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
About that; I was considering sending my grandmother (a devowed protestant) a Christmas greeting card with arabic greetings next to the Dutch ones but I figured I shouldn't do it; for her health's sake et al :D
:LOL: Yeah... Maybe that's not the best idea!

We know you want to show off your latest languege discoveries... Have you read more about Arabic since our last discussion (a year ago?!)?


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Read? No. But I met this Moroccan fella at university who filled me in on some things (more about customs etc, not the language).

It's far too hard for me to ever get a clue though :D


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
well cool... While we and many Moroccans have Islam and some Arabic traditions in common, i'm also interested in learning more of their berber culture.


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++

Good.. So you know and admit your mistake and your guilt of text manipulation :D

BTW, should I call you RAT?
What's your name again? :)
Na man I am Rami and RAT are my initials:)


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
"Produced in the hope that at least one certain person will feel better for a short period of time"

Read it in the end titles of a movie - figured it should apply to my posts :D

++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
well cool... While we and many Moroccans have Islam and some Arabic traditions in common, i'm also interested in learning more of their berber culture.
Yes it's quite interesting actually!

On a more religious note: I was in a book shop the other day and I was flipping through a Dutch translation of the Koran. Now, I read a lot of things that I grew up with myself as I was raised Christian (these two religions really are a lot alike) but I also quickly realised that this was no fucking good - I would just draw the wrong conclusions by simply reading it. :D

Figured if I ever really wanted to learn I'd go ask an imam or something.


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
No, it's German. The Dutch translation would go as follows:

Gemaakt zodat het met een zeker persoon in ieder geval voor een kort ogenblik beter gaat...

As opposed to:

Gemacht damit es einer gewissen person zumindest für einen Augenblick besser geht...


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Well if you're fluent in German (what level would you say you are?) then Dutch isn't too hard to learn and vice versa.

Plus, Dutch is modern English's closest relative so if you're a native English speaker and you want to learn a relatively easy foreign language; you should go with Dutch :D


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++

Yes it's quite interesting actually!

On a more religious note: I was in a book shop the other day and I was flipping through a Dutch translation of the Koran. Now, I read a lot of things that I grew up with myself as I was raised Christian (these two religions really are a lot alike) but I also quickly realised that this was no fucking good - I would just draw the wrong conclusions by simply reading it. :D

Figured if I ever really wanted to learn I'd go ask an imam or something.
Yes. The Quran is indeed very similar to the Bible. You might already know this, but we believe that Mohammed's (PBUH) message was a continuation of the teachings of the prohets before him. (Jesus was a prohet according to us).

About the part in bold. It really depends on what you mean. But If you'd ask me on which would be the best source, I'd say the Quran itself. After all, the chances of that particular translation being faulty is a lot less than the chance misteaching by any Imam. My best recomendation would be to read the Quran and obsorb it as much as you can, then leave the questions to an Imam, but always make sure he provides you with sources from the Quran. That's actually pretty much how my Mom became Muslim. She was lucky enough to not have been influenced by media...etc. She went about it gradually and has never looked back. What's worth mentioning is that she confessed that if she had gone to Saudi Arabia before becoming Muslim, she would probably never have become Muslim. That's how sad the situation is now.


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
Yes. The Quran is indeed very similar to the Bible. You might already know this, but we believe that Mohammed's (PBUH) message was a continuation of the teachings of the prohets before him. (Jesus was a prohet according to us).
Yes I read. I heard that the main distinction between the two only appear after Abraham (Ibrahim in Islam). Those two are still one and the same person and appreciated in the same manner in both religions, but from there on the gap starts to widen (that's what I've heard anyways).

About the part in bold. It really depends on what you mean. But If you'd ask me on which would be the best source, I'd say the Quran itself. After all, the chances of that particular translation of being faulty is a lot less than the chance of any Imam who's throw in his two cents. My best recomendation would be to read the Quran and obsorb it as much as you can, then leave the questions to an Imam, but always make sure he provides you with sources from the Quran. That's actually pretty much how my Mom became Muslim. She was lucky enough to to have been influenced by media...etc. She went about it gradually and has never looked back. What's worth mentioning is that if she had gone to Saudi Arabia before becoming Muslim, she would have probably never have become Muslim. That's how sad the situation is now.
Hmm ok I might do that. I'll be travelling a lot later this year; I'll need a book to keep me from going mad (only so much of a 'view' I can take from a moving vehicle of some sort).

But the Bible is actually the reason why I gave up on Christianity (to great sadness of my family but it's my decision, my life). It's too conflicting. And at either rate; I believe that when a person is religious, he/she lives by that religion and accepts it as a whole. In my case, that was impossible. Only taking bits and pieces out of a religion and live by those sounded far too hypocritical to me and so I dropped it.

So you see how I got weary on holy books.
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