World Cup controversy thread,Sepp seen leaving hotel with giant SWAG bags (95 Viewers)

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Sep 3, 2006
yes, it was all fair, the process was completely and absolutely transparent., and their selections were based completely on merit.

how dare you suggest otherwise.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Because it means Qatar isn't big enough to have a use for those stadiums. If Qatar is so small why should it host the World Cup? Would we want Andorra to host the World Cup? San Marino? And constructing entire stadiums with airconditioning and deconstructing them afterwards and reconstructing them again in other countries looks like a waste of energy and money. It's just not right.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2008
Because it means Qatar isn't big enough to have a use for those stadiums. If Qatar is so small why should it host the World Cup? Would we want Andorra to host the World Cup? San Marino? And constructing entire stadiums with airconditioning and deconstructing them afterwards and reconstructing them again in other countries looks like a waste of energy and money. It's just not right.
They're spending that :money: from their "own" pocket, Why would anyone other than their citizens feel that its injustice or not right ?! They can do whatever they want with their money.

Personally I'd rather sit back and enjoy the show in 12 years time (if Im still around). And for the first time in my life, I can drive by car to Qatar to watch WC football matches and return home the very next day if i want to :D


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Surely it will be the first, but no way will it be the last. UAE is going to host a world cup soon as well. They too deserve it. We already have the club world cup here, and FIFA know how capable the UAE is.
Once the oil money dries up, the region will revert back to being what it should be... a place where barbarians run around chopping each other's heads off.


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Mar 6, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #852
    Ken Bates:
    "When it was announced, we hooted with laughter and derision. We are totally unimpressed. I am of the opinion that the big European nations should resign from FIFA and start their own organisation.

    "Let them get on with it. It is a case of the tail wagging the dog.

    "We have little Jack Warner (FIFA vice-president and member of the executive committee that decided on the World Cup host) standing in the corner, Oceania, the Caribbean, and the oil states. All that happens is they keep giving the votes to (Sepp) Blatter so he stays in power.

    "If they didn't have Spain, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, there wouldn't be a FIFA. There wouldn't be a UEFA for that matter. The whole of FIFA could then move to Moscow and live in retirement in a nice dacha in the woods surrounding the Russian capital.

    "FIFA is a waste of space. It is a money-making organisation and I don't think they give a damn about football.

    "I am seriously unhappy and, at the same time, contemptuous. None of the television companies should bid for the TV rights for 2018 or (they should) put in a derisory bid.

    "The fact of the matter is we have the best stadiums and the best infrastructure. If you think of the disaster of the Champions League final in Moscow a couple of years ago when people were being billeted 100 miles away, it is a joke."

    As for Anson's belief that the bidding process should be changed to give more countries a say in where a World Cup is hosted, Bates added: "If everyone had a vote there would be more people and countries to allegedly bribe. Should the Bahamas have the same vote as England? Should Andorra have the same as Germany?

    "No, it is rubbish. We should form an elite association of countries. They are a two-bob organisation above any law and should be treated with the contempt they deserve."

    A FORMER FIFA official last night accused international football's governing body of being "the galacticos of corruption" - and said the organisation had to go.

    Mel Brennan, 40, a delegate for North America at the 2002 World Cup, called some of his former colleagues "cockroaches" who lavish money on themselves.

    He described the voting for the 2018 World Cup as "not credible". And he said it sickened him to see Prince William, David Cameron and David Beckham kowtowing to FIFA officials - who are now accused of lying to them.

    Mr Brennan, a former university professor, told The Sun: "It's time for leaders to say football is too big, culturally important and has too many resources for it to be bastardised and disrespected in the way we continuously see from this FIFA committee.

    "So how can we take the energy of this sport and not have this other phenomenon where guys are aggrandising themselves, spending money on themselves.

    "In my experience the number one fear that FIFA executives have is that the world is going to wake up and recognise they don't want FIFA at all.

    "You have to offer an alternative. It's time for leaders in Britain, Spain, the US, Portugal, the Netherlands and South America to say, 'you know what? this game is too big'.

    "Other sports have done what we need to do - volleyball's international governing body was ripped down and rebuilt. It just takes the critical will. If you are going to keep the national associations the way they are it takes one of them to say, 'this is enough'."

    Mr Brennan said there would have to be a determined effort to get rid of FIFA - run by President Sepp Blatter, 74 - but it was the right thing for everyone who loves the sport.

    He went on: "It requires will, it requires courage and requires the will to have a fight. But you would win in short order.

    "The FIFA guys are not thugs, they're not toughs, they're not battlers. As soon as you stand up to them the cockroaches are going to go away.

    "Knowing what we know now and observing the outcomes we have observed, don't the fans of the world's most prolific sport deserve better?"

    On the bid process - where England picked up just two votes and crashed out after the first round - Mr Brennan commented: "The mistake people make with FIFA - the galacticos of corruption - is dealing with them as if they are rational. It's about the energy around political players and managing those.

    "Combine that with corruption and the lack of oversight you get the situation - as happened with England - where the technical bid has very little to do with who gets the World Cup.

    "Look at Qatar, its population is tantamount to the 36th largest metropolitan area in the US. Look at Qatar's record on workers' rights, women's rights, the alcohol situation, the summer temperatures, the fact they have no stadia. Qatar is a World Cup about two things - petro-dollars and Sepp Blatter and his pursuit of a Nobel Prize for bringing football to different parts of the world.

    "But football doesn't have to be brought anywhere - it's already everywhere."

    Mr Brennan believes both FIFA and Russia, whose PM Vladimir Putin was congratulated by Blatter after winning the bid in Zurich on Thursday, will benefit from the decision. He added: "What I know about FIFA and its executives is the Russia bid is likely to be about political quid pro quo - something for something.

    "A Prime Minister, a future king and Britain's number one superstar kowtow to these men - and you still don't have the World Cup.

    "They were told delegates were going to vote for them but they were clearly lied to. It's not about honesty, it's not about transparency.

    "How can the best technical bid go out first? England going out with two votes shows the process is not credible."
    THE World Cup in Russia in 2018 is an “easy” way for mafia crooks to rake in billions, an expert warned yesterday.

    Dr Yuri Felshtinsky, who co-wrote murdered spy Alexander Litvinenko’s book Blowing Up Russia, claimed that while the criminals make a fortune, their friends in power will enjoy seeing their country put on the map.

    The historian and KGB expert claimed: “It is difficult to distinguish the gangsters from the politicians because they move easily between both worlds.

    “Football is not important to them at all – it’s the political opportunity to present Russia as a modern state.”

    Dr Felshtinsky said government cash will pay for stadiums and infrastructure to be built, while all the profits will be privatised.

    He said: “The Russian mafia is a huge structure. It’s not like The Sopranos, who are small-time crooks.

    “It’s more like Once Upon a Time In America, which showed how criminal activity can lead to real power.

    “Millions don’t interest them any more.

    “They will make billions out of the World Cup. It is very easy.

    “It will be corruption on an unprecedented level.”

    Dr Felshtinsky said he was not surprised President Vladimir Putin failed to lobby FIFA before Thursday’s vote.

    He said: “I think all the Russians were confident it was already in the bag.

    “If I was a betting man I would have put a lot of money on Russia getting the World Cup. But we will probably never find out how they did it. These guys are very good at covering their tracks.”

    The biggest football show on Earth may also lead to Russians snapping up luxury homes in popular European haunts, including London, as they launder huge amounts of cash.

    He added: “We know they like to buy properties all over Europe and their favourite places are London, Italy, Bulgaria and Croatia.”


    Senior Signor
    Mar 6, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #853
    “It’s very difficult to understand what happened and why it happened, and it raises a question: how this World Cup is voted for,".

    "You would like to have much more technical criteria than human criteria. You could imagine you could have 100 criteria for example with a different weight and you put that in a computer and the best comes out.

    “It doesn’t look right in modern life that people have to go and lobby and say ‘please believe in us’.

    "Is the suspicion right or wrong, I don’t know, but you don’t want a vote of that importance to have suspicion.”

    "I’m very sad because I supported that [England] bid as much as I could,”.

    “I am sad for the people who have a passion in their country for football. I don’t believe Fifa was conscious of how much it meant to people here."

    - Wenger

    Looks like the boss is bitter too, well he can fuck off as well. Forza Russia , Arshavin should tell Wenger to shut his trap :tup:
    Arshavin barely even celebrated when it was announced, he looked decidedly sheepish.


    Senior Signor
    Mar 6, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #854
    Yeah, like the US and England didn't pass anything under the table :rolleyes: They just didn't do it as well as Q & R.

    ... Something like Calciopoli :D
    As far as England's bid is concerned they certainly didn't, in fact the lasting point to come out of this from the England camp is that maybe they shouldn't have been so honest and played by the book.

    That's clearly not how you win a World Cup bid anymore.

    And no more of this 'deserve' bollocks, the only countries who deserve anything are the ones who put the best bids on the table, not for other political, geographical or money making reasons.


    Senior Signor
    Mar 6, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #856
    Lobbying for votes is one thing, that is the normal and accepted procedure, they certainly did not bribe him because they didn't receive his vote, and only two in total lol.


    Senior Signor
    Mar 6, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #857
    Qatar World Cup maybe be held in January

    The 2022 World Cup in Qatar could take place in January or February to avoid the scorching temperatures of the summer months in the desert state, FIFA Executive Committee member Franz Beckenbauer has said.

    Beckenbauer, who won the 1974 World Cup as West Germany captain and also coached his nation to the 1990 title, said hosting the tournament during the winter would be an alternative.

    The World Cups are traditionally held during the northern Hemisphere's summer months after the end of the domestic league competitions.

    Qatar, which beat bid rivals Australia, Japan, South Korea and the United States, said it would deploy climate-control technology to keep the temperature on the pitch to 27 degrees Celsius while outside it was a scorching 50 degrees.
    "One should think about a different solution," Beckenbauer told Bild, where he also works as a columnist.

    "In January or February you have a comfortable 25 degrees there. Plans for the biggest leagues would have to change for 2022 but that would not be a major undertaking.

    "It would be an alternative to using climate control at great expense for stadiums and fanzones," added Beckenbauer, who is stepping down from FIFA's powerful executive committee in March.

    Qatar, which has never qualified for the World Cup finals, was picked by FIFA on Thursday to stage the 2022 tournament, a first both for the Middle East and for an Arab country.

    It will also be the smallest nation ever to host the World Cup.

    FIFA awarded the 2018 World Cup to Russia on the same day and Beckenbauer had long opposed the double vote by FIFA, which has been severely criticised for it.

    "It was a mistake to do both 2018 and 2022 on the same day but now it has happened. I would be happy to leave the 2022 decision to the next generation," Beckenbauer said.


    :lol: Fuck that. So Beckenbauer is only a minor pawn at FIFA.


    It ain't hard to tell
    Aug 22, 2007
    Lobbying for votes is one thing, that is the normal and accepted procedure, they certainly did not bribe him because they didn't receive his vote, and only two in total lol.
    Buying votes using other means and bribing using money isn't much different.

    Is it known for sure that Q & R bribed voters? I think it's as much a fact that they did as the US and England did.


    Senior Member
    Nov 24, 2005
    Because it means Qatar isn't big enough to have a use for those stadiums. If Qatar is so small why should it host the World Cup? Would we want Andorra to host the World Cup? San Marino? And constructing entire stadiums with airconditioning and deconstructing them afterwards and reconstructing them again in other countries looks like a waste of energy and money. It's just not right.
    Throwing the likes of Andorra and San Marino into the mix was quite funny! Qatar is the size of Andorra and San Marino combined X 20. Of course, Andorra or San Marino hosting the World Cup is somehow impossible, they can't manage to build 6 stadiums without demolishing some other buildings and houses.

    Anyways, I can't understand why the World Cup would be bad because the size of Qatar. In fact, I find it 'perfect', no extra travels for national teams and fans. You'll have a chance to meet people from all over the world. Yet, it's not very small to cause a crowd traffic.

    Finally, why do you really care if Qatar wasted their money and energy to help the construction in poor countries? Well, another way to look at it, a lot of unemployed people can get paid for construction jobs in the process.


    Sep 23, 2003
    I don't see how anyone can claim it will be a disastrous world cup just yet.
    Chicken littles love to say we're doomed when it's not the pick they hoped for.

    As far as England's bid is concerned they certainly didn't, in fact the lasting point to come out of this from the England camp is that maybe they shouldn't have been so honest and played by the book.
    People are honestly thinking that this is a bid beauty contest? C'mon -- how naive can you get? The only way England will get to host again is when everyone else's European bid falls through or implodes.

    And that's the way it should be. I mean, even the Olympics didn't return to Athens for over 100 years...

    Qatar World Cup maybe be held in January
    I was thinking about that. It would be a genius idea if not for the fact that the club calendars of much of the world would clash with it.
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