Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15) (15 Viewers)

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Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
what i meant was there is an obvious need for ciro...llorente we can see wont always be in top form..and besides with the kind of ambition we should have we need a full complement of capable strikers.....so wen u sell and then have to scrape around for a replacement...it doesnt look too smart
I see what you're saying, already I've noticed a couple of comments from non-Juve fans suggesting that we aren't able to keep hold of Immobile because other teams want him, when really it'll be both a technical and financial choice.

Like others have said, it just seems odd that we focus so much on Italian players and heritage, and put a lot of money into our system, yet when a product emerges we look to be selling at the first opportunity. Maybe they foresee another Giovinco situation, but personally I think Giovinco would have been a better player today if he went abroad at the same age, and I can see Immobile doing well. Playing 15-20 games for us maybe isn't as good for him as an individual.

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Senior Member
Jul 9, 2008
I see what you're saying, already I've noticed a couple of comments from non-Juve fans suggesting that we aren't able to keep hold of Immobile because other teams want him, when really it'll be both a technical and financial choice.

Like others have said, it just seems odd that we focus so much on Italian players and heritage, and put a lot of money into our system, yet when a product emerges we look to be selling at the first opportunity. Maybe they foresee another Giovinco situation, but personally I think Giovinco would have been a better player today if he went abroad at the same age, and I can see Immobile doing well. Playing 15-20 games for us maybe isn't as good for him as an individual.

i always look forward to Ledge (i think) posting long updates in the primavera..getting all excited about the potential players we have coming through...now i wudnt waste my time..i knew some of them were nothing more than currency but i have to think now it seems to be all

ciro will do well with dortmund and i look forward to seeing him light up BuLi and CL...however will hav to prepare my ears for the commentators and pundits on the whole "serie a cant keep its stars" rhetoric
Jul 20, 2012
Ariño (consulente Dortmund): "Inter-Roma e Juve su Aubameyang. Immobile prima scelta del Borussia"

Intervenuto ai microfoni di ASRomaRadio.it, Carlos Ariño, consulente di mercato del Borussia Dortmund, ha fatto il punto sul futuro di Aubameyang e Ciro Immobile. “Tengo a precisare che non sono l’agente del calciatore ma solo un consulente del Borussia - ha spiegato -. L’agente del calciatore è il papà di Aubameyang. Lui non è felice al Borussia Dortmund e vorrebbe andare via; su di lui ci sono vigili Inter, Roma e Juventus ma ancora non è nulla di concreto. Immobile per sostituirlo? Sicuramente, il Borussia lo
So basically what this says is, this guy is an consultant of Borussia Dortumund and said that Aubameyang isn't happy and wants to leave. He linked us to him but said nothing is concrete.
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