Winter mercato thread 2020 (16 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Feb 20, 2016
He would be incredibly smart if he did that, still a teenager, dominating in Bundesliga with upper mid level club, instead of move to a top team that might be too soon if they dont have guranteed starting spot.
As a side note, If he goes to Bundesliga instead of coming directly to us we'll for sure never get him


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Thats most likely the case, but if he doesnt go to Bundesliga, he is most likely to go to EPL IMO. I hope he comes to us tho.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Are you completely sold on him though? I'm curious to see what his first season in a proper league looks like before splashing out big money.

Not completely, but mostly, he is insanely natural finisher, somethings are easy to see with the rare talents. His instincts in finding space, extremely purposeful and powerful not just in physique but how defenite and precise he is in around the box, just screams transferable to top top level. And more importantly mentally, is completely unfazed about the pressure of bigger games, with how he is performing in CL as a debutant. Doesnt even act like a teenager who is in over his head any moments I seen him so far (primarily the the CL games).
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