Why we aren"t try get David Pizzaro (1 Viewer)

Il Messiah

Junior Member
Aug 21, 2004
David Pizzaro
after last season<03/04> grades from gazetta

-attacking midfiled-
1. Kaka 6,56
2. Pizarro 6,32
3. Nedved 6,22
4. Vannucchi/Empoli 6,20

important......in this season he more improve <04/05>
he nearly always selected best 11 of this week from gazetta or football italia or Goal.com

this man simply very underated.......because he is chilean
he aleady best midfielder of serie-A

The King of Udinese’s midfield. The Chilean has been really impressive this season, and the assists he provides to the Friuliani forwards are almost works of art.

i think our midfiled"s problem is lack of passing&creative we have many good DM but nobody has good passing or creative ability[like pirlo or xabi or alonso or veron]

I"m very wonder why we try to get Jankulovski we aleady have olivera and kapo....
we need passer type midfielder!!!!!!!
pizarro can solve this problem perfectly.....this man young untill[he was born 1979] and quite cheap or reasonable price [aimar and rosicky and heleb are great but they expensive]

but i think pizarro"s effect will best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Buy on AliExpress.com


Junior Member
May 1, 2004
yeah i really like him. only seen 1 entire udinese match but in the highlights of him he looks great.
and it is true that we need a good distributer.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
We tried to have him, Janku and Kroldrup since last year but Udinese are asking for too much.

Now that they are 3rd in the league I don't think they will sell even one of them.

With his performance he's worth too much for Moggi. :(


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
Pizarro can play together with emerson in midfield. He is a pirlo, Xavi-type of player ;) and we can still get Aimar as a world class AM behind 2 strikers :p (in my dreams)

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