Why do you care? (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
Why do some people care so much about eleven men in prison clothes running on a rectangular pitch trying to kick a ball?
What could possibly be so interesting if a team has 37 or 38 points when you don't have any kind of participation in it?
How can people be happy when another person wins a trophy, and they haven't had any part in the achievement at all?
How come people can be interested in a team that comes from a town many thousand miles away?
Some don't even watch the game on television, still they care.

Now, what could possibly be so interesting with football?

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Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++
Why do some people care so much about eleven men in prison clothes running on a rectangular pitch trying to kick a ball?
What could possibly be so interesting if a team has 37 or 38 points when you don't have any kind of participation in it?
How can people be happy when another person wins a trophy, and they haven't had any part in the achievement at all?
How come people can be interested in a team that comes from a town many thousand miles away?
Some don't even watch the game on television, still they care.

Now, what could possibly be so interesting with football?
Hey the fans have an important role!!, no fans = no team!.


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2002
Because we have been brainwashed to like football by the media which present it as a cool thing.

Or maybe because we like football...

Dunno :)


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #8
    ++ [ originally posted by Karlberg ] ++
    I know it's saturday evening, but don't post if you're drunk.
    I will consider that. :)

    After all I think it's a pretty interesting question. Why does football attract so many people?


    Junior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++

    I will consider that. :)

    After all I think it's a pretty interesting question. Why does football attract so many people?
    because it is the 'beautiful game'.


    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #10
    Some say that football has all the important elements of a sport that is necessary.
    It is slow so you have time to witness what is happening on the field something you can't do always on a hockey-game. Still it isn't as slow as a baseball game which you easily can fall asleep when watching.
    The players are not hidden under shoulder caps and helmets like the players in the NFL and NHL. So you know where your favourite player is, players like David Beckham might not have been as famous if he had been playing hockey.
    It is not as violent as american football but it still has some fighting elements and many emotions are revealed on the pitch.
    It is played outdoors which makes it possible to get more people to attend the games.
    The tradition is very important in sports and football is one of the oldest sports. Americans say that baseball is not the best sport to watch but they think it is the most american sport that is why they care so much about it.
    I think every boy on this planet has played some type of football.
    Media has also played a part in this, they put most of their focus on football. We are more or less forced into looking at football. During a world cup you can't possibly avoid football.
    That is one possible reason for the extreme popularity of football.


    Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
    Jan 12, 2002
    Great analysis :cool: Agree with most if not all of it ...

    I've been dedicating my life to football ... i rate it even higher than my studies or social life :shocked: I enjoy watching it and also playing it .. every which way: outdoor, indoor, beach, you name it .. and I've been playing it since I was a kid in school ..

    I can't really explain it to non-football fans .. for example, my mum or younger brother usually ask me the same question: "Why all this attention to football matches, you never get anything if they win, and you never lose anything if they get defeated". That's were they're wrong. When Juve or Italy play, my heart pumps fast and I act wierd, I also get butterflies in the hours (or even days) leading to an important match. When they win I'm so overjoyed, like a dad just had a new-born son. When they lose I get so depressed, like when you lose someone you really love. I can't explain it, it's just what I feel and I can't control it. I guess the people living on the other side of the world will never understand us !!


    Senior Member
    Jun 8, 2003
    If you don't LOVE a team, football could be boring. Like my dad, he watches football he likes football and he knows football but he hasn't got a favourte team. I don't even know all the rule of football and I don't think I've ever touched a real football in my whole bloody life. But I can tell you my dad is not having half of the fun I have when I watch the games.

    I still have bad dreams about Juve's loss in the CL. Last night I had one. Very sad.:down:

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