why are we so stupid we don't buy rivaldo? (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
May 1, 2004
A year ago World Cup Winner Rivaldo joined Milan. Apparenlty he wasn't good enough. Firstly can anyone explain? Secondly he would surely be a valuable asset for a lacklustre/ extremly dull juve midfield.

Also he is a free agent. (Rivaldo Free)

Surely we could out do any deal Bolton has to offer.

Buy on AliExpress.com


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Maybe we should make a single thread where you can talk about all the players you think we should sign.

It's clear that he's not the type of player we're after. He'll just unsettle the team and it's pretty clear from his time at Milan that he's not suited to Serie A.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Rivaldo wasn't good enough for Milan, and wasn't even good enough for Cruziero. Why then would he be good enough for Juve? He's a free agent, yes, but he'll want high wages and a guaranteed first team place. No thanks.


Junior Member
May 1, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #5
    Has anyone seen Rivaldo hattrick against depor couple years back to secure Champion lg placing for following year- in particular the bicycle-

    also you guys don't remeber that nedved's first season was really poor. it takes time and faith to settle in a great team with a highly competitve starting 11 like taht of Mialn and also Juve. And you can't tell me taht a player who was undeniable that great can be really shit now in the space of 1 or 2 years. and aslo do you really think he's going to bolton for da money.

    ps: Egyptian _ Juventino blow it outta ya arse
    Mar 14, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++
    Rivaldo wasn't good enough for Milan, and wasn't even good enough for Cruziero. Why then would he be good enough for Juve? He's a free agent, yes, but he'll want high wages and a guaranteed first team place. No thanks.
    Are you saying that Bolton & Celtic can offer more wage packet than us? If thats true......ill kill my-self!!!


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    Has anyone seen Rivaldo hattrick against depor couple years back to secure Champion lg placing for following year- in particular the bicycle
    *ahem* depor?

    Indeed that was spectacular, but Spain is very different from Italy. Rivaldo is a player who needs a lot of space in order to release his cracker shots and line up outrageous bicycle kicks. In Serie A though, his lack of pace got the better of him and he was shut down way too easily.


    Junior Member
    May 1, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #9
    sorry. it is true it was against Valencia (thanks barkuss) but i can't see how camoranesi, janskulovski, pizzarro would be better than the brazilian.

    Rivaldo's poor season at Milan was much like R. Carlos at inter. I feel that given more time both could have made their names in Italy


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    ps: Egyptian _ Juventino blow it outta ya arse
    Alex, I appreciate you're trying to start a good discussion here, but can you please stop responding like this, its not going to win you any friends :)


    Senior Member
    Jul 30, 2003
    Alex has turned out to be one of those posters that i want to argue every sentence of their post.... purely un-Juve... wonder how you can support Juve in the first place? You seem like a guy who would support Real Madrid and Manchester United and nowadays , Chelsea....

    btw way, Rivaldo wont be strategic to our cause... he need to plays were everything built around him... Juve dont take those kind of primadona... its all about the team here.. and Rivaldo would break it..


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    I used to like Rivaldo and I respected him before WC02. That's the first time in his career I've seen him do anything like that


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    Yeah, I liked him with Barca but that incident at the WC made me sick.

    I think it is a rather laughable idea to bring Rivaldo to Juve! He would only cause problems for the side instead of helping things. He has shown what he can do in Serie A, and thats it for him. Like Graham said, he does not have the pace and tactical sense to play in Italy; the league is just too tough for him. We do need a creative player in midfield though, so Moggi should go after Rosicky or van der Vaart, not washed up Rivaldo.


    Senior Member
    Nov 1, 2003
    to answer alex's question.......we're not stupid, so that's why we dont buy rivaldo :D

    rivaldo is a primadona, we dont need that kind of player :frown:

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