who owns the media in ur country (2 Viewers)


New Member
Dec 29, 2002
:confused:i've recently started college and i'm doing sociology, which is how people behave in society and wot the media does. i was really interested wen we spoke of different mass mediass such as mags newspapers tv sms billboard all these things can influence. we also discussed the media barons the people who control the media like richard branson he owns so may things within the media, berlusconi is also a media baron he owns most of the media in italy he also owns :confused: 3 tv channels a nespaper, boith these people own the media in different ways who owns the media in ur country?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Mar 14, 2004
here in Croatia,goverment used to have TV and com-companys,Oil-rafinerys,more or less everything.

After the war,some fake democracy came in....now all those companys are being bought by losy Hungars and Germans and they charge more and more.....shithole!


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2004
In Thailand...I think Thaksin (Prime Minister) owns most of the media....or at least owns parts of if...;)


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
++ [ originally posted by leeeeech ] ++
in the U.S., Fox is pretty much Bush's lapdog. they do watever he wants and when he wants it.
Well thanks Bush, FOX sends many great shows!, Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle, That 70s Show, Married with Children, and so on.


Junior Member
Oct 16, 2002
in malaysia, though individual politicians do not own any of the media, but political parties usually own huge stakes in newspaper and the media.. The main political parties have stakes in all the major newspapers, radio and television. Other than that, there are also fully state-owned television and radio channels, but most malaysians tend to find them boring, and these channels usually cannot compete with the more private/ public-owned channels.

The opposition usually has to make do with their own magazine publications, and they also have their own newspaper, but they have no stake in television and radio, except in only one state which the opposition controls.
May 30, 2004
++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++

Well thanks Bush, FOX sends many great shows!, Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle, That 70s Show, Married with Children, and so on.
dude u forgot da best show aired on any channel ever.. 24 ... i love fox just for dat show ... dat show is fukcing kick ass ... kiefer shuld join juvy


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++

Well thanks Bush, FOX sends many great shows!, Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle, That 70s Show, Married with Children, and so on.
I wonder if Bush actually watches those shows :D


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by leeeeech ] ++
in the U.S., Fox is pretty much Bush's lapdog. they do watever he wants and when he wants it.
I actually don't suspect anything sinister like that -- I think it's the other way around.

Fox goes all the way up to Rupert Murdoch, afterall. And Rupert could have Boy George licking his conservative boots, IMO (at least without Dick Cheney around for protection).


Junior Member
Jul 2, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Len ] ++
In Thailand...I think Thaksin (Prime Minister) owns most of the media....or at least owns parts of if...;)
If you mean the satellite, yes he is the owner. (and support his business- mobile phone)

- free TV and radio the company have concession from the Government
- Newspaper, Magazine any company is own.
Jan 24, 2004
very interesting topic! :thumb:

Well in Germany media isn't owned by the government/state.


On the one hand we have a Working Pool of the Broadcasting Corporations of the Federal Republic of Germany (short ARD) which is financed by special fee. After the war we only had ARD (it's a "community" of all statewide stadions = Bavarian broadcast + Middel Germany broadcast + South West broadcast ...), so later the ZDF (Second German Television) was founded as alternative. Everyone has to pay this fee if he owns a device usable for recieving (TV, radio, pc with tv-card - it doesn't matter whether he watches/listens ARD/ZDF or not). Iirc it is approx. 16€/month for a radio and tv. With these incomes the ARD (and ZDF) produce their broadcastings maintain their internet-platforms, perform special events and so on. The right to collect the money is anchored in particular treaties. There is also written down that financing of these "public stations" shouldn't be done with advertisement. (Ads are allowed - not after 8 pm - but they must not play a major part. --> justification of that "broadcasting fee" must be remarked)

On the other hand we have the private companies. They get their money by selling advertisement (like everywhere). Beside ARD/ZDF , RTL (a Bertelsmann AG), Sat1 and ProSieben are most important. ProSieben and Sat 1 are one company which owns also two other channels (but they don't play that role as there movies which were shown on Sat 1 or ProSieben get recycled again and again).

ARD/ZDF (with over 60 radio stations and more than 15 channels) - "public"
Sat1 and ProSieben - Saban Holding
Kabel 1 - Saban Holding
N24 (news) - Saban Holding
RTL - Bertelsmann AG
RTL II - Bertelsmann AG
Vox - Bertelsmann AG
Viva (music) - Viacom
n-tv (news) - RTL/Time Warner and CNN
Super RTL - Walt Disney/CLT-UFA (=RTL Group)
DSF (sport) - Karstadt Quelle (shops)/Sport Media Holding

So you can see that Bertelsmann AG and Saban Holding are quite big but there are special laws which limit the spread of each company. for example the Bertelsmann AG can't buy/set up another channel as they already reached their limit of viewers (nationwide). Moreover we don't have a nationwide radio station (only local/regional ones).


everyone can start his newspaper, no regulations, censorships only after publication (three topics are forbidden anyway: instigation of violence, glorification of National Socialism and its ideologies, pornography with children/animals). The Springer AG is owner of the "newspaper" with the highest circulation. It's called "Bild" and it's a stupid tabloid. Springer is part of Bertelsmann AG. The daily newspaper market is shared by 5 publishers, so there isn't really a monopoly. We have three weekly magazins which are sold in the whole country. Every is owned by another company ("Stern" - Gruner + Jahr AG, "Focus" - Focus Media, "Spiegel" - Springer AG (=Bertelsmann AG))

the biggest media company is the Bertelsmann AG holding 4 TV-channels and various radio stations/magazins. but - I underline it again - with all their subsidiaries they don't govern the media market. most important to know is that in germany the media system is devided into two parts: the "public" one and the privately owned. They are equal, exist side by side and have to obey the same laws. (moreover ARD/ZDF have another duties but that would make the whole story too long :) )
...sorry I've to end..the internet cafe closes...maybe I'll write more later.. :)
Aug 1, 2003
In malaysia though they claim it's a democratic country we have no freedom of speech. The media - tv, newspapers, radios, everyone would have to be on the current government's side. The opposition party's official newspaper is banned, and the government has been arresting opposition members for reasons they would come up with. Which is terrible IMO.

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