Who is needed RIGHT NOW in this transfer window (1 Viewer)


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
This isnt really a duplicate thread, I am wondering who you guys think we need right NOW in this transfer window who will improve us instantly

These players should not be cup-tied, so we can also use them in the CL

I think we need a RB, and either a creative midfielder or someone to replace Appiah

Bonera would be my choice for defense (is he cup tied though ??)

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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Yes, he played for Parma in the UEAF Cup AFAIK.

IMO, all we need is a offensive midfielder, a real playmaker, but also someone with good workarate so he can win balls and not leave our midfield unbalanced. Rosicky would be perfect, but he's cup tied AFAIK...


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I don't think right-back is as high a priority as getting at least another centre-back, since Legrottaglie's leaving for sure. Even though he was never gonna be a backup CB, that leaves us with precious few options, and if Canna or Thuram are injured or suspended, we're screwed (as we saw against Parma).

Zebina isn't that bad, and I wouldn't mind playing him at RB, and even if he gets injured, we can push Thuram out onto the right and use our theoretical backup CB in the middle.

Players like Jankulovski to improve our options down the flanks and give Zambrotta more freedom are more of a luxury than a necessity. Especially considering that Cannavaro is one yellow card away from Champions League suspension, we desperately need at least one more CB. A playmaker/attacking midfielder would be great too


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++
    Yes, he played for Parma in the UEAF Cup AFAIK.

    IMO, all we need is a offensive midfielder, a real playmaker, but also someone with good workarate so he can win balls and not leave our midfield unbalanced. Rosicky would be perfect, but he's cup tied AFAIK...
    Zlatan, whats the rule on that ??

    If you played in the UEFA Cup you cant play in the CL in the same season for a different team ???


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    Yep, I think that's about it. It applies to most cup competitions actually (if a player plays in the CL/FA Cup for one team, he can't play in that competition in the same year, nor can he play in the UEFA Cup)


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Vinman ] ++

    Zlatan, whats the rule on that ??

    If you played in the UEFA Cup you cant play in the CL in the same season for a different team ???
    No, once you play in one European Competition you cant play in any european competition for another club that season, doesnt matter if it's the CL or UEFA cup. However, if a player is registered for European competition but doesnt actually play, he's still available for other clubs.


    2013 Prediction Cup Champ
    Jul 16, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #9
    Thanks for the clarification

    That really limits our choices......


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    We need a NATURAL PLAYMAKER. David Pizzaro, Tomas Rosicky, Pablo Aimar, Mourad Meghni, Landon Donovan...........somebody please so we can make sense with the GD ball.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
    We need a NATURAL PLAYMAKER. David Pizzaro, Tomas Rosicky, Pablo Aimar, Mourad Meghni, Landon Donovan...........somebody please so we can make sense with the GD ball.
    Which of those players isn't cup-tied though? I believe only Pizzaro and Meghni.


    The Linuxologist
    Dec 24, 2004
    Landon is good, and he is young (22)....although I think he is going back to Bayer Leverkusen. Also, I dont think that he would be able to fit in quickly

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