where is the mistake.. (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
May 20, 2003
since world cup 1998 i was wondering why italy
couldn't bring any title...

since that time, in my opinion italy had the best team in the world
lets give it a close look..

buffone, toldo and peruzzi... as goal keepers, so what more do we need.

nesta, canacaro, zambrotta, punocci, maldini ( only has gone after world cup 2002) , pessoto for some times, etc, which we all know those ppl r the best in the world and the most expensive deffenders in the world, with the new comers..

then we have gattusso ,( before that tomasi, and di biaggio) , pirlo,
fiore , Perrotta, and with other guys which maybe i dont have in my mind now...

Del piero, totti, inaghi, virei, now we can miccoli , di vaio, cassano...
those are dreams to have for any other team..

so as i see , the team are veeeeeeery strong in every part , spcially the
attack whcih was not so powerful as its now...

so , why?? why they play so bad, and other teams which r less
known , and should be weaker than italy play better and make problem for italy.. like denmark and sweeden in the last 2 games...

was it the way that italy plays, spcially when TRap came, and we all
know that he was the reason for the being equelised with sweeden..or what..

where is tha mistake, when of what i can see, that italy should win
everygame with such a team full of stars , and not normal players like they have now.

i was always wondering and i never knew why...

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Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
I think a lot has to do with mentality and the attitude of the Italian team. Not just coaching, surely Trap is a very good coach and to blame lack of success on him is a bit simple.

The Azzuri have also had their share of bad breaks and even the best team cannot win all of the time, espically looking at the other great teams they play. And I do think the Italian players are overrated by many Italian fans. Yes, they are among the most well known in the world and they play in one of the most famous leagues. Just because the Italian players are stars in Serie A does not mean they are automatically the best players in the world at their positions. International football has gotten to the point now where where any number of teams can beat another. Over the long haul, the best do rise to the top but you do see results like Wales beating Italy. The gap has been significantly closed.

Italy have drawn with Sweden and Denmark here in Euro 2004. They lost to Croatia and South Korea and drew with Mexico in the last World Cup. It is easy to come up with reasons why this happened but just maybe the Italian players aren't that much better then players on a team like Sweden or Croatia after all.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Lack of confident, too much pressure, stupid tactical, no luck, no teamwork, lack of determination and fighting spirit


Senior Member
Sep 1, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Sidz-Inzaghi ] ++
Lack of confident, too much pressure, stupid tactical, no luck, no teamwork, lack of determination and fighting spirit
Maybe they don't necessarily lack confidence. They just have too much of it and underestimate their opponent. :undecide:


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
Recently the team has suffered under bad tactics, and that the biggest stars haven't performed.

But really, it isn't like Italy has vastly superior players compared to other teams. France has for the last couple of years had a stronger group of players for example (IMO).


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Sidz-Inzaghi ] ++
Lack of confident, too much pressure, stupid tactical, no luck, no teamwork, lack of determination and fighting spirit

or laziness/tiredness of stars - depends on newspapers/magazine you read.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Torkel ] ++
Recently the team has suffered under bad tactics, and that the biggest stars haven't performed.

But really, it isn't like Italy has vastly superior players compared to other teams. France has for the last couple of years had a stronger group of players for example (IMO).
Trapt tactics are way older than him....I prefer Azzurri play 5-3-2, classic and effective....remember Euro 2000?


New Member
May 19, 2004
I cannot believe that Del Piero missed another sitter in a big tournament (see today's match against Bulgaria). Anyway, the whole squad is full of Diva's. Look at what Totti did, Vieri's outbursts, etc. But of course the team will blame Totti's shoes, the hot weather, the referees, oh, and of course, the Scandinavian conspiracy.

They need the fighting spirit of teams of old, or old players, like Roberto Baggio: selfless, full of TEAM and NATIONAL pride, ready to win, instead of afraid of making a mistake and losing. ARGH!


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Some players underperformed... ut i think the definitive point weher the bad tatctical choices of trap this time.


Senior Member
May 22, 2004
The mistake is :
Del Piero - doesn't play at his very best form.
He just flatters around the field, passes a few time back to the defence, and just waits for ''nothing''
Vieri - has a very bad Euro 2004, much press presure and misses much chances.
Totti - No word about him, VERY bad 1st game, the 3 match bann was correct, and he got VERY lucky with the yellow card in the last minutes.
Gattuso - Very bad that he had 2 yellow cards, a very good player with much power and agression. Great player.
Pirlo - Also very good, nice moves, also very much power and great shots. Nice Euro 2004, but not lucky.
Perrotta - Sometimes bad passes, but also played sometimes good. Nice response to score the goal.
Zambrotta - No doubt about it, THE Juve man, VERY good, VERY much running, VERY much crosses, and also isn't lucky that Italy isn't joining the quarter final.
Buffon - Best keeper in the world, played very good, less mistakes, :'( why him....
Panucci - Not my personal favorite, only thinks about his f*cked up hair, and played some great moments, and some trouble making moments.
Oddo - Played his minutes that he got for Italy, and played them good.
Zanetti - Hasn't improve himself very much.
Cannavaro - Good games, to bad from the 2 yellow cards. Very good combination with Nesta, good players.
Ferrari - Hasn't played, but I think that he sould have started infront of Materazzi.
Corradi - Also no favorite, no shots, no nothing, sucked.
Toldo - //==\\
Nesta - The Italy man... Great player.
Fiore - Some passes were f*cked up bad, but also got his minutes, and created some stuf.
Favalli - //==\\
Camoranesi - I think he played the first game, the best of whole Italy. But Trappatoni is the coach, not me...
Di Vaio - Hasn't got much minutes... Maybe Trap. sould brought him infront of Corradi.
Cassano - Also The Italy Man from this Euro 2004.
Created chances, scored some chances, good talent...
Peruzzi - //==\\
Materazzi - Thank you for the penalty!
Also no real improvement, Ferrari is better to me.

The main problem with Italy is that they have to much pressure from the media, and from they're fans.
Everybody wants Italy to win, but they have very much pressure because they MUST win and that is the problem.
Aug 1, 2003
I think trap has made some vital wrong decisions and that has cost us alot. also some players don't look like they actually want to win this bloody tournament; so they are at blame too. that's all. I don't think 'us relying on star players' are much of a problem. actually, I don't think we rely on them much at all.

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