where is delpiero ..any news? (3 Viewers)



Senior Member
Nov 18, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #22
    ++ [ originally posted by Elnur_E65 ] ++
    My God!

    How do you know where all these players went for vacation?
    Look to my profile and My relation to Juventus ?

    There is a Big Difference Between Saying i like juve and i love Juve !! :)

    if a person love Juve .. He/She Must know what's happeing to every single Thing That could happen to a coach or a player . Not only cheers when we win just a match !

    That's why after the disaster happened.. automatically i should ask about our Beautiful squad specially DP if he's fine or not ?

    about how did i know where he was .. Promise you i will explane it to you later.



    Dec 16, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Juve_The_Best ] ++

    Look to my profile and My relation to Juventus ?

    There is a Big Difference Between Saying i like juve and i love Juve !! :)

    if a person love Juve .. He/She Must know what's happeing to every single Thing That could happen to a coach or a player . Not only cheers when we win just a match !

    That's why after the disaster happened.. automatically i should ask about our Beautiful squad specially DP if he's fine or not ?

    about how did i know where he was .. Promise you i will explane it to you later.


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