whats going on with Kappa... (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Jun 2, 2003
Well I figure that Kappa got what they wanted from the Italia jerseys', international reconition. Since team Italy is extremely popular, girls find the players hot, guys wanna be like the players, it has attracted many customers to their cloathing. Now that they got this they dont need to pay big bucks for another contract with the team.

As for Roma...it's probly because they sucked cock this year :D

Anyways I dont know...just guessing


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Kappa doesnt sponsor any teams in Italy anymore, not in Serie A, B, or even C

They have got to be in financial trouble.....................


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
My NT, was sponsored by Kappa since a long time.

But suddenly they changed to Lotto this year.

Something fishy is going on.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by El Idiota ] ++
kappa is changing market i think....most likely to the fish and agriculture, but im not sure :undecide:
yeah, Kappa's Overall collections are a big hit in the agriculture market and the Kappa Fishing polls are also doing pretty well.

I read somewhere that they're planning to strengthen their hold on these markets by introducing 'Kappa Cows' and 'Kappa Bait'


Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
im not really sure that the cows will be much of a hit, since their last product "kappa Locust X10tr" was said to have caused severe damage to crops etc..but i'll have to wait and see be4 buyin the cows

nice avatar btw :D

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