What is your best drink... (1 Viewer)


Jun 7, 2004
the combination of energy drinks may boost temporary ur nervous system and give u the feeling of clean head but it further damages ur organism (esp the stomac) causing enhanged strain and sometimes lentghen the recoverage period,
a lot of water in theory will stimulate the kidneys role of cleaning the blood removing the alcoohol earlier in the process too
but in practise it doesnt work...


Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
Cronios, u must have fvcked urself a good couples for u to have done all that research.Anyway goin out to get completely smashed


Senior Member
Oct 22, 2003
Me, but I thought this was a question about drinks before the hangover kicks in .. and milk's not my first choice when it comes to hangover though.

e: on that 'who-the-hell-drinks-milk-anyway'


Jun 7, 2004
the blue label cauzes severe damage to the pocket thats for sure!
i want to make smth clear about water,
if someone has a habbit of drinking water in the same time with alcool yes,
its recomended,but dont except wonders after it,
althought it is very usefull to help u for the hangover (recover some dehydration -spell )

caffeinaded energy drinks (like Redbull) must be avoided...
(the truth is it makes vasoconstruction -spell and holds the alcool effects,
esp headache, but it does more damage in the long run and may allow u to drink more while u r feeling alright, though u r not)

My medical advise would be fresh orange/lemon juice and some water before sleep


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
RochemBeck said:
Who the HELL drinks milk during a hangover?
VERY good question!

Milk before drinking lines your stomach, milk at all other times is actually very nice and a good source of calcium.. but AFTER drinking.. you'll be spewing that up in no time!
Dec 24, 2005
Tom said:
Water, obviously, though if you want to nip a hangover in the bud before it gets you, a good strong bloody mary or a coupla G&T's is just the "tonic". Anyone who drinks milk after a long session is just asking for trouble.. ugh!
love your avatar :agree:


Jun 7, 2004
not all the sports drinks are the same and ppl have the tendecy to confuse energy drinks with sport drinks,
we have been advised not to encourage ppl drinking those drinks with alcool drinks,
the combo of caffeinaded energy drinks, with alcool (both diuretics - spell ) is an one way ticket to dehydration -> hangover situation, thats a fact!

this doesnt means that there arent decaffeinaded sport drinks that can help u to recover the lost fluids and energy fast...

if u r wise enough to search for them and if u r wise enough not to abuse their use
as i ve mentioned before,
well most of the ppl arent...


Peen Meister
Dec 19, 2005
swag said:
Damages both your liver and your pocketbook. That's my kinda drinkin'! :agree:
When ever i go to clubs with my girl, guys hit on her & she makes them buy johnny walker blue.She gets about 9 of those in a night for me.

I love my girlfriend:D


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
venom said:
Me, but I thought this was a question about drinks before the hangover kicks in .. and milk's not my first choice when it comes to hangover though.

e: on that 'who-the-hell-drinks-milk-anyway'
i do.
1L per day.ALWAYS.


Lion of the Desert
Apr 22, 2005
A friend of mine used to down a shot of olive oil on an empty stomach before a big weekend of partying.......he usually has the tollerance of a girl.....but after that shot he can hang with the big boys :agree:

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