What formation against Sweden? (1 Viewer)

Dec 27, 2003
Taking the suspension of dribbling Totti (pun intended) for granted, Trap will have to re-think our line-up against the Swedes. Here are the two options he is left with :

1) Play a Milan style 4-3-1-2 formation, with Gattuso-Pirlo-Perrotta supporting a DP that would play behind the strikers (probably Cassano and Vieri). Although this line-up is quite appealing on paper, it could prove risky against a Swedish team that likes to exploit the flanks, as our side-backs would probably find themselves outnumbered.

2) Try a more compact 4-4-2, with Fiore-Gattuso-Pirlo-Zambrotta in midfield and a DP (or Cassano) - Vieri attacking duo. Oddo should be preferred to Panucci as a right-back, as him and Fiore complete each other better. Favalli would take Zambrotta's place on the left back and hopefully Pirlo could fill the creativity void left by Totti' absence.

Any thoughts?

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Kaiser Franco
Dec 27, 2003
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    Thinking of it, Trap could also stick to the traditional 4-2-3-1, with Di Vaio on the left and DP playing in Totti's position..
    Jan 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++

    2) Try a more compact 4-4-2, with Fiore-Gattuso-Pirlo-Zambrotta in midfield and a DP (or Cassano) - Vieri attacking duo. Oddo should be preferred to Panucci as a right-back, as him and Fiore complete each other better. Favalli would take Zambrotta's place on the left back and hopefully Pirlo could fill the creativity void left by Totti' absence.

    Any thoughts?

    i would go with option 2. i think Pirlo has a lot of potential to save this tournament


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003

    -------Del Piero Cassano--------

    Zambrotta Pirlo Gatusso Fiore

    Cannavaro --- Nesta --- Ferrari


    Not gonna happen tho.


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
    --------------------Del Piero---------------


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++
    Thinking of it, Trap could also stick to the traditional 4-2-3-1, with Di Vaio on the left and DP playing in Totti's position..
    Or DP could stay on the left and Cassano could play in Totti's position. Really and truly Trap actually has alot of options, the thing is none of them are that good.

    The 4-4-2 with Zambrotta in midfield sounds like a good idea, but so does the Milan style formation with Gatto-Pirlo-Perro across midfield and DP + Casso slightly behind Vieri.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    I'd go with the Milan style, no question.


    Oddo - Nesta - Cannavaro - Zambrotta

    Gattuso - Pirlo - Perrotta

    Cassano - Del Piero



    Senior Member
    Mar 26, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
    I'd go with the Milan style, no question.


    Oddo - Nesta - Cannavaro - Zambrotta

    Gattuso - Pirlo - Perrotta

    Cassano - Del Piero

    Thats not Milan style, Milan don't play the 4-3-2-1 (well they did when they only fielded Sheva), but on a normal day with two strikers they fielded a 4-3-1-2. So just do a little switch and here is Italias, "Milan Style". Even though it is one of the most popular methods of lining up... BUT ANYWAYS:


    Oddo - Nesta - Cannavaro - Zambrotta

    Gattuso - Pirlo - Perrotta

    Vieri Del Piero
    Jan 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++

    Or DP could stay on the left and Cassano could play in Totti's position. Really and truly Trap actually has alot of options, the thing is none of them are that good.

    The 4-4-2 with Zambrotta in midfield sounds like a good idea, but so does the Milan style formation with Gatto-Pirlo-Perro across midfield and DP + Casso slightly behind Vieri.

    trap has shown that he is not good with options


    Senior Member
    Jul 30, 2003
    i dun think Cassano and 'especially' Del Piero can take Totti's place in a direct swap.... it would pick Fiore or Pirlo i i need to do that...

    an untested tactic is not an option at this level... the best tested solution IMO is.. 442 with DP playing on the left wing and Cassano to partner Vieri in attack.... Pirlo should be one of the centre midfielder but i am not too sure with Gattuso backing him up.. he has not playing center midfield for a long time now...( i said am not sure, i dont say he cant play ther, dont bash me just yet, milanistas ;) )


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    Any formation will do just as long as we have two puntas at the top as Vieri is too lazy and doesn't do enough to attract the opponent's defence on himself and hence doesn't create space, so he will need a partner. So, either 4-4-2 or 4-3-1-2 will do the job I believe.

    Seeing that Sweden likes to go through on the flanks it would really be better if Oddo takes Panucci's place, although I'm not really that worried about the defence. I'm worried that we will let the other team lead the game again and then all we will do is pass long balls that usually don't even arrive to the Azzurri. We have to start with the grinta from the beginning, take control and don't let Sweden to start developing it's game. It's easier to dictate the rythem than follow it.



    Senior Member
    Jul 30, 2003
    del piero as a whole is useless ;).... but by playing left wing he is excused from the burden of being a playmaker.. no matter how you del piero disillutionist say, the now del piero is not a play maker.. he is more a skillfull prosecutor who can only be useful in the last two steps in moves.. he cannot plan moves from deeper role like totti can... so cant cassano (at least at this stage at his career that i see off)

    the width 'advantage' that Trap says he have to win his place over Cassano before will now work agaisnt him as he want to win the backup striker role...oh well... he cant contribute more, but at least he cannnot be blamed too much if he plays in the wing..;)


    Senior Member
    Apr 5, 2004
    I think they should play like this:




    --------------Del Piero



    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
    Trap played this in practice:

    Vieri-Del Piero


    Back & Quack
    Mar 9, 2004
    I really think this:


    Attacking flair of pirlo, and with 2 defense midfielders, we cant go wrong.

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