
Sep 23, 2003
Do you mind if I PM you?
No, go ahead. Just gotta remember to look over there once in a while. :D

Friend sent me a link to a twitter that is nothing but the translated titles of japanese porn:

"You'll Ejaculate Within 3 Minutes An Ultra Effective Blowjob Technique Guaranteed To Provide Quick Ejaculations For The Busy Modern Man"
Nice! Because Japanese have no time for bjs.

Germans have the best porn titles. You missing out.
"Fat Man in a Diaper Cavorting About in a Lawn Sprinkler" from Germany's Most Disturbing Home Videos is one of my faves.

Thank you!!

Buy on AliExpress.com


Sep 23, 2003
Oh, and if you want good video titles, this is from an exhibit I attended recently here called "Scenario in the Shade". It's part of a NY art duo's experiential installation based on the "San San Multiplex" ... a mythical convergence of San Diego-to-San Francisco culture envisioned in 1967 that's turned everything into trash and psychedelic drugs.

One of the rooms contains fake DVDs of absurd titles that look part real... almost as if someone fed a bunch of lame DVD titles into an AI to generate fake new ones...

Yes, this is the lame art school shit that entertains me at times. :D

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