
Apr 14, 2005
It's not enough, I can't say I'm unlucky, I was 22 when Italy won the world cup in 06, the perfect age to make a fool of myself in celebration but since 1994 I've watched Italy in 4 major finals only to watch them lose 3 of them :cry: not to mention all those Juve CL final losses, it's hard to take.
you spoiled brat :D fyi this last scudetto we won felt better than other trophy for me

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Senior Member
Nov 10, 2009
you spoiled brat :D fyi this last scudetto we won felt better than other trophy for me
Like I said I've been lucky but the losses still hurt like hell!

This scudetto was a massive relief for me and one of the most satisfying sporting experiences I've ever felt, but to win it again and do well in the CL will really stick it to them. We are Juve, we must be hungry always and never be satisfied until we have won everything there is to win, then win it all again. I want teams to know they've lost the week before they play us. I want to just scare opponents, I want young talented players that play against us to buckle under the pressure and never make anything of themselves!

Fuck them all, we are JUVE!!!


Jul 11, 2011
I cant sleep....Fuck.

Cheers Swag by the way.

On another note for all the nerds out there I am currently downloading this

wow weird I had a dream there was a zombie apocalypse this morning and that I shot a friend (who had turned into a zombie) in the face with a shotgun but he only bruised :lol: and then he was normal, most likely had that dream because of that stupid hipster zombie ad on sbs before the game. But later on in the dream I had a shower with some hot girl so it evened out :D

---------- Post added 02.07.2012 at 16:53 ----------

So I got up at 3am to go out and watch the game. had 5 scotches before they closed the bar at 5:30am now I'm sitting at work (9:45am) wishing a big hole would open up in the ground and swallow me up. I've drunk 2 and a half litres of water already and struggling so much. Fuck I wish we'd wo0n this morning
ha that happened to me that other night, I smashed like half a bottle of tequila in an hour and I didn't even need to drink at the club but fuck I must have gotten like 15 waters there I was dying.


Senior Member
Dec 5, 2011
Trying to heal after yesterday shit !!! I hate this fucking Spain ! It was disgusting! Yesterday the 80% of Spain supporters were silly girls and fucking gloryhunters who after beeing questioned about why they support Spain, answer something like ohh...they play so beautifull football bla bla bla...!
I am totally exhausted ! It cracked me up so hard !


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
Ahahah happu canaada fuciers! i my kall yall fuckers but yoour ar lovealbe fockers! forza la juve! yoo i pisssed on a car that hada some barka logo handgimg on it ahaha fucking cunt they lucky i didnt cat'em slkippim or id piss on them n not te car/.

hapy canada once more. if u not canadianwell hapy whatevwe day if u not haooy well facku ! ahahah
i ant druncj ust a little typsiy


Grazie Mirko
Jan 16, 2011
so we finally finished the chicklist for our moped trip around Denmark. 3/12 of the bullheads are drug related, 2/12 are weapons - this trip is going to be so awesome. Damn, can't wait.

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