
Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Yeah, I'm probably gonna get cut eventually. But for now I'm gonna live by the immortal words of my hero Phonte and stop fuckin' around with girls on MySpace.

- - - Updated - - -

So essentially you're acting like you did hook up with her friend and were terrible to her even though you weren't, to get her to leave you alone? Haha, unless she's incredibly naive or stupid I think it's easy to see right through. I read that entire thing in a sarcastic voice.
Yeah, I'm basically hoping she goes away. She had. This was the first time I heard from her I've heard from in almost 2 months. If she gets upset or whatever, I'll just say "oh I thought you were joking". :D

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Jul 15, 2002
Check out this email I just sent to a girl I hooked up with a few times this Fall. She sent me an email today about how she wasn't my friend for two months (I haven't seen her since December) and had to do lots of soul searching to forgive me for hooking up with her best friend (which I didn't). Completely out of the blue, but it sucks because I have to work with her on a project in about a week. Anywho, I pretty much hate the bitch and she lives in another town.

I think it's some of my best work. :D

I don't expect to talk to her outside of work again. What you think? Please discuss. @Kate @Ragazza

Entitled: About that email I deleted...

Yes, I deleted it. I thought it was stupid and made no sense. I thought a child wrote it, but then I saw your email address.

I took some time. About a day. No honestly, it was three minutes, but I had a deep think.

I realized that I've made a lot of mistakes since September. You're a great person and a great girl and I thought that maybe we could be something. I was also lonely and bit tipsy, but that's my fault, not yours. However, after the third time, I realized that you're great, but not great for me. As the Lay Man would say, I'm just not into you, but I was into you. So thanks for that. Unfortunately, I did not communicate this revelation very well. Then I completed my transformation from regular guy to terrible human being by blatantly pursuing your homely best friend in front of your face. I apologize for that and I guess I owe her an apology as well. Perhaps I will take this chance, one day.

I'm glad you've decided to forgive me. I wouldn't have forgiven myself. The more I think about it, the more I realize how difficult that must have been. You are an extremely big person. This action shows growth, girth, and a professionalism most people our age lack (myself included). I wish I could be so mature.

I am also happy that you wish to be my friend again. I couldn't ask for more. Well I could, but nothing would be available. I would be honored to share the bond of friendship with you again.

However, at this moment in time I realize that I am not fit to be around anyone. Especially females. I need to do some soul searching and decide my course in life. I need to find my mountain and climb it. I need to learn R-E-S-P-E-C-T. I need something... of which I am not sure. Therefore, I think it is best that we restrict our friendship and communication to professional events and no keep contact outside of work until I am, for lack of a better word, fixed. I need lots of work and therefore lots of time. I long for a period when we can be friends again, but I lament that it will take a long time.

Saludos mi amiga.
@Enron that some funny ass shit, but dont fuck with crazy pussy, it is smarter and more vicious than you
Girth? WTF :lol2:
Am picturing a scenario where the chick totally gives him 1 2nd chance & gets really obsessed.


Calciopoli Director
Jul 22, 2013
Yeah, I'm probably gonna get cut eventually. But for now I'm gonna live by the immortal words of my hero Phonte and stop fuckin' around with girls on MySpace.

- - - Updated - - -

Yeah, I'm basically hoping she goes away. She had. This was the first time I heard from her I've heard from in almost 2 months. If she gets upset or whatever, I'll just say "oh I thought you were joking". :D
What did she do exactly to make you hate her? Just the weird accusations or other shit?


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
What did she do exactly to make you hate her? Just the weird accusations or other shit?
Pretty much. Plus one time I thought her and a group of my friends were coming to visit. But it was just her. She basically invited herself to my house for a weekend. This was after I gave the whole "I'm not that into you speech". So I invited some of my friends to watch football and she ended up leaving the next day, after yet another "talk". It was pretty awkward. :D

I don't really hate her, I don't hate anyone. But let's just say I wouldn't be disappointed if I never saw her again.


Calciopoli Director
Jul 22, 2013
So basically really clingy. Yeah, definitely sounds like someone you're better off without. There are a lot of girls (and guys) who can't take a hint. I mean I'd probably classify myself as needy in a relationship, as in I like to spend a lot of time with and get attention from the person I'm with. But I think most people are easy enough to read, and in your case you were pretty blunt about it, that I'd never make someone feel smothered or try to hold onto something that isn't there.

I think that's also one of the dangers of hooking up with someone, especially more than once. Did you ever think of it as more than sex, or that it could go somewhere more, even at the beginning?


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
Pretty much. Plus one time I thought her and a group of my friends were coming to visit. But it was just her. She basically invited herself to my house for a weekend. This was after I gave the whole "I'm not that into you speech". So I invited some of my friends to watch football and she ended up leaving the next day, after yet another "talk". It was pretty awkward. :D

I don't really hate her, I don't hate anyone. But let's just say I wouldn't be disappointed if I never saw her again.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Pretty much. Plus one time I thought her and a group of my friends were coming to visit. But it was just her. She basically invited herself to my house for a weekend. This was after I gave the whole "I'm not that into you speech". So I invited some of my friends to watch football and she ended up leaving the next day, after yet another "talk". It was pretty awkward. :D

I don't really hate her, I don't hate anyone. But let's just say I wouldn't be disappointed if I never saw her again.
She's going to fuck you over.


Sep 23, 2003
Maybe I'm boring, but I was going to say do your best to ignore the woman and keep it just on a professional communication only level.

(Call it a corollary to what X wrote.)


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
What X said about toying with the crazy, heed it. Also: Never shit where you eat, aka don't hook up with colleagues, never prudent choice even if it can lead to the rare catch.

Though not sure how much of a work colleague she is if you don't see her for 2 months.


Sep 23, 2003
So, my new blog post is finally up. And it is long. Like 2900 words long. So read if if you like and feed me the backs.

Nice work! :tup:

I sense something exactly like this had gone on with you. It's good to hear you're starting to put all the negative of that experience to positive use, because there definitely is positive use. As they say, the real failure isn't in the trying (and not necessarily succeeding) -- it's in the giving up and no longer trying.

Oddly enough, your employer shares a lot of the blame in this. While they were cool to bring you in, it was a failure on their part to position you for a role that you were insufficiently screened for. You had a role too, but as someone who has hired and fired hundreds of people over the years, the role of your employer in this is pretty glaring. That said, on the upside it seems they did some real good here: they recognized you enough as a raw quality employee, but realized they probably miscast you in the wrong role. That's a good sign for both you and them.

Good luck on the next steps, Dhee. :tup:

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