-what are u currently listenin to?- (595 Viewers)

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Apr 15, 2006
Speaking of Queensryche and Ronnie James Dio, I just saw them a month and a half ago here outside of Boston. It was Heaven and Hell, Queensryche, and Alice Cooper.

Great Show. Heaven and Hell played all of the Dio era Black Sabbath stuff
cool man! :tup: they said they'll play in India too. havent heard much abiout that though! :sad:

SoulSiick said:
operetion Livecrime is also one of the Greatest live concerts.
the performance of the band was Great.

in Dream Teather i like the last one : systematic chaos.
and also a change of seasen.
train of tought and Scenes From A Memory are also Great.

DT is one of the Best bands.they are always great.

did u see the Dacumantry of Systematic chaos ?!
Systematic Chaos is good. It was a bit of a letdown IMO. i had high hopes from it. but it's got some good songs like Presence of Enemies and Ministry of lost souls. ACOS... nothin much needs to be said about it that hasnt been said before... but SFAM will be my fave album for a long time... for sure...

and no, i havent seen the documentary. those bastards in India havent made a distribution deal here yet!!! and i cant find even ONE site which ships them here and accept a debit card!!! :(
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