-what are u currently listenin to?- (326 Viewers)

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Sep 23, 2003
Whew. Green Day. I remember living in Berkeley from '89-'91, right before they blew up huge, and how KALX in Berkeley would play huge blocks from their Lookout! Records catalog. That was definitely one band that grew popular in ways I had never anticipated.

But me before bed right now? I had to pull out Big Black's Atomizer and play "Kerosene" for some good sleep...

La la la la...

Never anything to do in this town
Live here my whole life
Probably learn to die in this town
Live here my whole life
Nothing to do, sit around at home
Sit around at home, stare at the walls
Stare at each other and wait till we die
Stare at each other and wait till we die
Probably come to die in this town
Live here my whole life
There's Kerosene around, something to do
There's Kerosene around, she's something to do
There's Kerosene around, she's something to do
There's Kerosene around, we'll find something to do
Kerosene around, she's something to do
Kerosene around, set me on fire
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene

Definitely uplifting self-immolation music for inducing sweet dreams. :)

Now where's my copy of Fugazi's "Margin Walker" again?...


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
stereophonics-more life in a tramps vest

@greg-i have known green day for 14 years but must have been sweet to see a band come from nowhere to make it massive. for all teh time i have been a fan folk here have thought i was mad, then they go make a commercial album and suddenly everyone runs out and buys a back catalogue
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