Well according to the master !!the rain got the best of us (1 Viewer)


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
Well we all know what happend in the Cl qualifier last night. the first half we saw a juve that had an inspiration the worth of shittt!!!!
then on the 2nd half i agree with capello the rain got the best of us.


the fielded team was



i didn't agree with that;becuz

1-thuram was supposed to be a central defender, the legro-montero combination proved to be useless
2-i don't think that playing alex miccoli trez and zambro as attackers or attacking midfielders would work because there wouldn't be room to move,BUT AGAIN I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THAT CUZ AM NO MANAGER SO THATS JUST A SUGGESTION.

now to moggi; simply the team needs more players, capello said it and eveyone said that.

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Jan 7, 2004
screw DP.

DP on his best form cannot help this team. football is a team game and when a champion team goes 0-2 down at home against a team that is at most average (no offence seriosly) that says a lot. DP is one ****er, if he doesnt play well get rid of him and find someone else


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
the rain didnt help, i think the team would have belted them in the end.

the team just doesnt look like a unit yet. there is nothing happening. definatley more players need to come.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
Nice points Sateeh, except that that wasn't the team that started....

This was the team that started:

---Thuram Legro Montero
Blasi Tacchi Emo Zambrotta
-----Miccoli Trez--DelPiero


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
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    welll u can't play blasi on the right flank on his own....he isn't camo
    Sep 14, 2003
    The rain wasn't draining from the surface of the pitch, in the last 20 mins or so it was really affecting the passing - just as we were really on top. You could see the water splashing up as the players ran.

    The point that Capello fails to consider is perhaps the game should've been won before the rain became a problem, it doesn't help when you gift yor opponents 2 goals.
    May 4, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by sateeh ] ++
    welll u can't play blasi on the right flank on his own ....he isn't camo
    who said that... Blasi was the best player in the first half, and in the second he was one of the best too...

    DONT SAY u CAN'T.... !


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++
    screw DP.

    DP on his best form cannot help this team. football is a team game and when a champion team goes 0-2 down at home against a team that is at most average (no offence seriosly) that says a lot. DP is one ****er, if he doesnt play well get rid of him and find someone else
    I can't say that I agree with that. It's a team game, no doubt, but DP's performances in the 02-03 season basically won us the Scudetto. Nedved also had an excellent season, but without Ale's goals (16 in 24 games) we wouldn't have won Serie A. I'm not saying that we should rely on individuals to get results, but with brilliance from players such as Del Piero things would be easier for the team. Most championship winning teams have big players, and on a good set of occasions when these players do well so does the team.

    The Arif

    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Dominic ] ++
    Nice points Sateeh, except that that wasn't the team that started....

    This was the team that started:

    ---Thuram Legro Montero
    Blasi Tacchi Emo Zambrotta
    -----Miccoli Trez--DelPiero
    we cant expect winning with that shitty defence, can we?

    and yes, we need nedved badly.

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