We Don't Attack Enough (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003

A statistical analysis of the opening five games of the season has found that Milan aim more shots on goal than any other team.

The Rossoneri have notched up 75 efforts on the frame of the goal, at an average of 15 per game.

The two Roman clubs are the next most attacking, while Juventus and surprisingly relegation strugglers Lecce follow.

Lazio registered 71 attempts on goal, then Roma with 70, reigning Champions Juve on 67 and the Southerners with a creditable 64.

The critics have poured scorn on Hector Cuper’s tactics and the statistics seem to back them up.

The Nerazzurri have scored only four goals in five Serie A games and had a total of 57 shots on goal.

With an average of 11.4 attempts for every match, that puts the Scudetto contenders in seventh place.

The least attacking team in the top flight is Modena with just 34 scoring opportunities, almost matched by Bologna’s tally of 35.


Don't you guys think we can do better than that? Sure, we're only 8 behind Milan, and some of our attackers have always been injured, but I'd love to see us peppering the opposition's goal with shots. We have great long-range shooters in Nedved and Miccoli (even Biri and Tacchi get the occasional cracker, and Appiah's looked promising early on), and we should really be creating lots of chances. 67 attempts on goal translates to about 13 attempts every match... do you guys think this is enough? I'm not saying that it's definitely not enough, I was just wondering what you guys think...

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Senior Member
Jun 8, 2003
I don't really care about the statistic on "attempted attacks"...just hope our strikers/forwards could seize the chance they get and place the damn ball in the net.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
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    Still, the more attacks we attempt, the more goals we'll score. Football's a numbers game, and no goalkeeper's perfect, so the more times we attack, the more chance the GK has of making a mistake. I'm not saying we're too defensive or anything... I'd just love to see us on top of every (good) statistic possible ;)


    Senior Member
    Jul 30, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Meow ] ++
    I don't really care about the statistic on "attempted attacks"...just hope our strikers/forwards could seize the chance they get and place the damn ball in the net.
    i on the other hand do care.... i think Juve is superior to most of the team they play and should play as such.. result is another matter, but Juve's performance sometimes way short of a champion... but of course we still win em... but where is the glory?
    Sep 14, 2003
    It would only be an issue for me, if we were in a similar position to Inter. Maybe if Trez wasn't so off form we would have a better record?
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
    Don't you guys think we can do better than that? Sure, we're only 8 behind Milan, and some of our attackers have always been injured, but I'd love to see us peppering the opposition's goal with shots. We have great long-range shooters in Nedved and Miccoli (even Biri and Tacchi get the occasional cracker, and Appiah's looked promising early on), and we should really be creating lots of chances. 67 attempts on goal translates to about 13 attempt every match... do you guys think this is enough? I'm not saying that it's definitely not enough, I was just wondering what you guys think...
    I have a very attacking coaching style, and I think that a properly equipped team should get about 20 shots on goal per game. But, in Italy that would never happen, because they never ever attack after scoring two goals...


    Senior Member
    Apr 21, 2003
    Hey we have the Serie A best attack! Milan shoot more but score less than us, we shoot less and still score more. And our first 5 matches were defintely harder than those of Milan.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
    Hey we have the Serie A best attack! Milan shoot more but score less than us, we shoot less and still score more. And our first 5 matches were defintely harder than those of Milan.
    yeah, but does the ball knocking off of Iuliano's back counta as a shot?


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
    Hey we have the Serie A best attack! Milan shoot more but score less than us, we shoot less and still score more. And our first 5 matches were defintely harder than those of Milan.
    That's the point, we should really capitalise on our scoring abilities by attacking/shooting more. If we shot as much as Milan did, maybe we'd have even more goals. We can't just be satisfied with scoring more than other teams. Our team needs to fulfill its true attacking potential, and judging by these figures, it seems like we're not doing that. Don't even mention scoring 5 goals against Empoli. Maybe we're fitting too much into the 'typical Italian' mould, with Lippi playing 3 DMs etc...

    I just want to see us play more attacking, entertaining football. We have such a wealth of dangerous attacking talent, and I just feel that we're not making the most of it...


    Senior Member
    Apr 21, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Rickenbacker2 ] ++

    yeah, but does the ball knocking off of Iuliano's back counta as a shot?
    As much as the ball hitting Inzaghi's face and ending in the net ;)
    Aug 1, 2003
    zizou! how offensive.. tee hee... hmmm, i think we would score more if trez wasnt so off form but we should all be behind him & give him the support he needs... juve has been a little bit dull lately, i dont understand why lippi still refuses to put di vaio in the first team when alex is injured?


    Senior Member
    Jul 16, 2003
    -What we are now-

    We don't atempt as many shots as Milan, but we are getting the goals. The main problem is that we are wasting some chances which if we could do better in we would probably have more goals. We don't play the most attacking of games and often we only have 1 striker. But, we have many players on the pitch which do have great talent to score for us.

    Not enough goals as yet? well, we have a number of injuries, so i hope things will pick up more when all these injuries are cleared.

    -What i would like us to be-

    It would be great if we could play more attatcking football. It's not as if we don't have enough quality or quantity in skill. DP, Trez, Mico, DV, Nedved.......

    We get the goals, but quite a number of them come from Free kicks, headers, long range shots etc. Of course there's nothing wrong with this but i'd love to see our guys really going for it.

    -Atempts on goal-

    I think that this is very impt. what some have said about no GK being perfect is correct..... if we can just keep those atempts coming, soon 1 of them will result in a goal.

    Also, .... yeah we may still be getting the necessary goals even with not that many atempts.... but then i think the feeling is different.

    You could watch a game will many atempts on goal .....and even if we do not win that match and it seams unfair i would feel so proud of these guys because they really tried so hard and never gave up. And probably our defence wouldbe less stressed cos if we are having atempts on goals all the time..... there isn't much the other team can do except defend


    You could watch a match where we did not have many atempts on goal..... but nedved manages to score 2 from long range shots. You could say that we made the most of our chances but...... the feeling is just different ..... here it's so very close between a win or no win.

    -The bottom line-

    the bottom line and the most important is that we do get those points and we are currently at the top of the table it's not as if we are suffering in some way. :thumb:

    Also, i agree with most of what you all have said here :)


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #13
    Great post ;)

    My bottom line is that the number of chances we get is proportional to the goals we score. We can't always expect Iuliano to be in the right place at the right time, nor can we expect Nedved, Miccoli or Tacchinardi to score a cracker from 30 yards every match, but the more they try, the more goals we'll score. I'm not saying that these guys should always take long-distance potshots, of course they should distribute the ball when necessary, but if we attack enough, these opportunities for wonder-strikes will present themselves more often.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    We are not attacking too much,....but we are the team with better overall goals per game.... i think its 2.8 or something like that.

    And we are the most socring team with 13 goals. In fact we could have done better because our attack is not at his best as we all know.


    Senior Member
    Jul 16, 2003
    We already have a great GK + defence + mid...... if only we could improve our attack a little more we would be :eek: :eek: :strong: :strong:


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
    We are not attacking too much,....but we are the team with better overall goals per game.... i think its 2.8 or something like that.

    And we are the most socring team with 13 goals. In fact we could have done better because our attack is not at his best as we all know.
    Read my post above, I'm not complaining about the number of goals we score, I'm simply saying that we could score many more if we attacked more, because we seem to be able to take our chances pretty well. If we create as many chances as, say Milan, we could demolish anyone.

    Look at Lecce, they created 64 chances, but have only scored 6 goals. Now if they hadn't taken all those shots, who knows, they might have only scored 2. The point here is that we can't be satisfied with the number of goals we score, because a lot of them can just be lucky e.g. Iuliano.

    ++ [ originally posted by Sunshine ] ++
    We already have a great GK + defence + mid...... if only we could improve our attack a little more we would be :eek: :eek: :strong: :strong:
    I know what you mean, but we don't really need to improve our attack per se, because we have awesome players in attacking positions. They just need to...well...attack! ;)


    Juventus FC - Philippines
    Dec 20, 2002
    We should field this

    Thuram, Montero, Legro, Zambro
    Davids, Nedved, Maresca, Micco
    Del Piero, Treze


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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    How is that more attacking than we currently play? IMO it'd be better having Davids on the left and Maresca as the other CM, with Neddy on the left.

    Here's what I'm thinking (i'd play 3 D's but that's not gonna happen)




    ---------Miccoli---Del Piero

    ---------------Di Vaio----

    That way, every player apart from Legro and Monty has a chance to run forward, and there's no overlapping positions if u know what i mean


    Juventuz addict
    Dec 16, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

    A statistical analysis of the opening five games of the season has found that Milan aim more shots on goal than any other team.

    The Rossoneri have notched up 75 efforts on the frame of the goal, at an average of 15 per game.

    The two Roman clubs are the next most attacking, while Juventus and surprisingly relegation strugglers Lecce follow.

    Lazio registered 71 attempts on goal, then Roma with 70, reigning Champions Juve on 67 and the Southerners with a creditable 64.

    The critics have poured scorn on Hector Cuper’s tactics and the statistics seem to back them up.

    The Nerazzurri have scored only four goals in five Serie A games and had a total of 57 shots on goal.

    With an average of 11.4 attempts for every match, that puts the Scudetto contenders in seventh place.

    The least attacking team in the top flight is Modena with just 34 scoring opportunities, almost matched by Bologna’s tally of 35.


    Don't you guys think we can do better than that? Sure, we're only 8 behind Milan, and some of our attackers have always been injured, but I'd love to see us peppering the opposition's goal with shots. We have great long-range shooters in Nedved and Miccoli (even Biri and Tacchi get the occasional cracker, and Appiah's looked promising early on), and we should really be creating lots of chances. 67 attempts on goal translates to about 13 attempts every match... do you guys think this is enough? I'm not saying that it's definitely not enough, I was just wondering what you guys think...
    I think that this is an important issue and juve must take this into considetration , i mean a lot of time in juve games is wasted in midfielad and not attacking especially if you have the capabilities of the players:(


    Jul 15, 2002
    I get your point gray but as Ian pointed out Italian teams stop attacking after scoring 2 goals (a sad fact indeed) but the formation you've posted won't hold.
    The problem at Juve has always been that our mid has had to put in more effort to supplement our defence reaping great rewards. There is no way Lippi is going to sacrifce that especially since it has been such a successful formula. There are times you see that we could destroy any team we wanted to but our mid hangs way to deep in our half that even tiny teams makes us labour for our wins.
    To attack more means we have to get a very well balanced & energetic mid which can equally defend & attack as a unit. Look at Neddy he tends to hang in the offensive section and thus your formation would make it very hard for us when we get a team that packs their defence & uses counter attacks. I would like to see this in action:





    ---------Miccoli---Del Piero/Di Vaio

    Here Zambro can work the left wing knowing that Davids will cover for him while Camo can work the right wing. This will free the mid for Neddy while Appiah will hold things together. The idea here is to give us opportunities to use the wings thus stretching the teams while at the same time creating much needed space for Neddy to do his thing at the centre and hopefully Micolli and Di Vaio will complement this attacking scenario & get us the goals.
    And knowing that we have capable players on the bench helps too.

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