Voodo curse on Beckham (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
Voodoo you think you are?

Switzerland have revealed the tactic they hope will topple England on Thursday - a David Beckham voodoo doll.

The cut-out figure has been published in dozens of newspapers and magazines across the country, with readers encouraged to give him the needle.

The caption that accompanies the Beckham look-a-like reads: "Help give England heavy legs on June 17.

"Let's all rip this page out, pin it on the wall and stick in nails, needles and staples. If we believe it will work, then it will."

Elie Peter, news editor of Switzerland's biggest-selling daily, Blick, said: "It's the game of the tournament for Swiss fans. We really want to win this."

Fair enough - but don't go pinning your hopes on it.

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Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
That's a somewhat peculiar tactic, but even without the voodoo tricks it'll be interesting to see if the real David Beckham turns up tomorrow because he was quite poor against France if truth be told.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
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    I read somewhere that there was a major fitness test by Real last month...and Beckham came....last:confused:

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