USA Summer Tour Information? (1 Viewer)

ADP Timers

Senior Member
Feb 4, 2004
Anyone got a date for this. Ive heard of MAN U, and Real Madrid now coming to, to join teams like Chelsea, Roma, and Celtic. This all true? Anyone got a site. Id like to catch a few games this summer here in teh states, just gotta find out where and when. THANKS!

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
but dont get your hopes up guys... a lot of the European stars will be pooped after Euro 2004. so don't expect full rosters.
ADP Timers

ADP Timers

Senior Member
Feb 4, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #7
    Ya this sucks. Nothing NEAR cali at all. Only WA, which is a 19 hr drive, and I dont wanna pay to fly anywhere. FOOK!


    Sep 23, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by ADP Timers ] ++
    Ya this sucks. Nothing NEAR cali at all. Only WA, which is a 19 hr drive, and I dont wanna pay to fly anywhere. FOOK!
    Yep. And if you're going to pay to fly, may as well go to Italy and see some real games.

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