Tudor renews (1 Viewer)

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
Igor Tudor ha prolungato il suo legame con la Juventus fino al giugno del 2007. Il Nazionale croato, giunto alla sua settima stagione con la maglia bianconera, ha firmato il rinnovo del contratto questa mattina nella sede di Corso Galileo Ferraris. “Alla Juve mi sento come a casa – ha dichiarato Igor, subito dopo la firma – Sono molto contento di questo prolungamento. E’ un grande attestato di fiducia nonché uno stimolo a fare bene e a inseguire nuovi, importanti traguardi.”


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Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
Altavista Babel fish translation :-

Igor Tudor has extended its tie with the Juventus until the june of 2007. The National Croatian, reached its seventh season with the bianconera mesh, has signed renews of the contract this morning in the center of Course Galileo Ferraris. "To the Juve I feel as to house - Igor, endured after the company has declared - They are much content of this extension. E' a great certificate of confidence let alone one stimulus to do good and to chase new, important goals."

good! stay tudor! and please do score more own goals:wallbang:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I still have hope for Tudor; if he stays fit (and I know that's a big if), I'd take him over Legro, Montero and Iuliano any day


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
I still have hope for Tudor; if he stays fit (and I know that's a big if), I'd take him over Legro, Montero and Iuliano any day
Agree. With our current defenders Igor staying is a good thing.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
I think its a good call to retain Tudor's services. He'll stand us in good stead this season. Probably may find some decent form and be ahead in the pecking order.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Torkel ] ++
Agree. With our current defenders Igor staying is a good thing.
Did you really have to choose a Puyol avatar in the midst of our defensive crisis? :D


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2004
but i have a feeling that moggi's gonna to sell him soon, same thing happen to Di Vaio.

tell me if i am wrong, Nedved also renewed his contract with Lazio in that summer, before he was sold to Juve.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Sidz-Inzaghi ] ++
Altavista Babel fish translation :-

Igor Tudor has extended its tie with the Juventus until the june of 2007. The National Croatian, reached its seventh season with the bianconera mesh, has signed renews of the contract this morning in the center of Course Galileo Ferraris. "To the Juve I feel as to house - Igor, endured after the company has declared - They are much content of this extension. E' a great certificate of confidence let alone one stimulus to do good and to chase new, important goals."

good! stay tudor! and please do score more own goals:wallbang:
Sep 14, 2003
I heard the Juve medical facilities have been updated, there's a new plasma screen with surrond sound, maybe that's why he wants to stay, seeing as that's where he's going to spend most of the season.
The Arif

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
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    Tudor extends Juve deal
    Thursday 26 August, 2004

    Igor Tudor has surprisingly renewed his contract with Italian giants Juventus despite talk of a summer move.

    The Croatian international has been heavily linked with a switch to Spurs after a few difficult seasons in Turin.

    But the defender, who can also play in midfield, has now committed himself to the Old Lady until June 2007.

    "I feel as if Juventus is my home," he stated after putting pen to paper on his new contract this afternoon.

    "I’m very happy to have extended as this is a great show of faith in me. This is also an extra stimulus to do well in the new season."

    Tudor, who has been constantly struggling with fitness problems recently, is about to start his seventh campaign with the Bianconeri.


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    if tudor stays as a centre back and gets fit, then happy days, we dont need a new defender, cos he is a highly skilled defender when fit and played in position....i believe the central midfield tactic, kinda messed him up about, with more movement leaqding to more injuries.

    hopefully he will be fit, because then we will have a lot less worries if he rekindle his old talent.


    2013 Prediction Cup Champ
    Jul 16, 2002
    WASTE OF MONEY...............

    Who's next to re-sign-

    Iuliano ?????

    Montero ??????????????????????????????????


    The Grimreaper
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by John #10 ] ++
    if tudor stays as a centre back and gets fit, then happy days, we dont need a new defender, cos he is a highly skilled defender when fit and played in position....i believe the central midfield tactic, kinda messed him up about, with more movement leaqding to more injuries.

    hopefully he will be fit, because then we will have a lot less worries if he rekindle his old talent.
    The only talent that Tudor has is the talent of scoring own goals and the talent of getting injured... :D


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    Not true, if he could play for 3 months straight without getting injured he'd be great for us. You all talk about him scoring own goals, but do any of you remember when he scored 9 goals in Serie A, 3 years ago when we won the scudetto? that year he showed his full potential, and only injuries stopped him from becoming even better. He has one of the best headers in the world, and is a huge presenc on set pieces, both in offence and defence.

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