Trapattoni Plays Down Juventus Crisis (2 Viewers)

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
Italy's national team coach, Giovanni Trapattoni, does not believe that his former club, Juventus, are in a crisis.

The 65-year-old coach stated: "Juventus are not in a crisis. These are moments I went through and also I finished 3rd or 4th. These are things that happen."

i agree with trap...he knows juve better than us, so don't worry so much ;)

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Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
++ [ originally posted by arifelly |Juve| ] ++
Italy's national team coach, Giovanni Trapattoni, does not believe that his former club, Juventus, are in a crisis.

The 65-year-old coach stated: "Juventus are not in a crisis. These are moments I went through and also I finished 3rd or 4th. These are things that happen."

i agree with trap...he knows juve better than us, so don't worry so much ;)
There's no crisis now, but if things dont go right on the transfer market in the summer, we will be in a crisis for the next few years. If we wait till summer of 2005 to make some serious changes, then 70% of the 05/06 season roster will be new players!
The Arif

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
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    we must admitt that juve had crisis in the defence all the season, but we mustn't blame all the squad. We hope that this season will soon be forgotten.


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Dr-Juve ] ++
    we lost the :
    Champions League
    Coppa Italia 90%

    its not a crisis i agree
    its a disaster


    juve can't win something ever year you know.... they're only human... 3rd place in serie A, Coppa finalist, and CL second round isn't a disaster. Though looking at the ages of most of the players, i think we need to make many changes. they dont have to be big signings.... I'd rather we cought young players and only 2 class players, then spend so much on 4 top class middle age players. I'd rather we build for the far future, then just focus on the near.

    at this point we are like ManU.... but ManU are gonna start going uphilll, we're still freefalling. they already made the sacrifices. they already started a new generation of players who'll last for another 7 years, enabling them to repeat what they did in 99. They have young talents like Fletcher, Brown, O'Shea, Ronaldo, Djemba-Djemba, Kleberson, Forla, Howard, and Carrol. with the Guidance if Giggs and Keane almost done, the established Star players like RVN, Scholes, Solskjaer, and Ferdinand will help the young talents mentioned above settle greatly.

    Juve on the other hand havn't made the correct transition of the generations. we have too many players who are still competative now, but i font fear this team...i mostly fear the "new, unsettled, young" players who'll have a tough time adapting. it'll take them a good 3 seasons to get used to all of that. the fact that juve is italian wont help since the fans and the press will be merciless when talking about them. I see a tough road ahead. we need to make "smart" signings this summer. Moggi should get lots of loans and spend whatever reserves they have if they want to be competative before 2008!!


    Senior Member
    Mar 11, 2004
    Thanx Majed
    But i don’t agree with you for one reason
    We can’t afford loosing, we can’t stand it, we cant swallow it
    Juve is complaining of something totally different than what most of us think
    I am sure u still remember last season which is not too far ( 5-6 months only) when juve got the scudetto three or four weeks earlier, reached the final in CL and lost by penalties, won the super and the intercont. Cups by beating Milan especially, twice within a month, and all of this done by almost same players, lippi, and the injuries 5-6 months ago only, don’t u think that there is something else than aging and injuries?????????????
    I think it’s the saturation
    Let me make my self more clear
    In last season Juve achieved what I have mentioned above without facing a real competitors and that’s exactly what made them lost the CL, cause they though that they are out of competition and unbeatable, they were right .
    Juve doesn’t need big changes , all what they got to do is live the endless juve dream, dreams which can be lived and become real again, reality of being the best and unbeatable with a few young players
    The Arif

    The Arif

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    Jan 31, 2004
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    ++ [ originally posted by Dr-Juve ] ++
    I am sure u still remember last season which is not too far ( 5-6 months only) when juve got the scudetto three or four weeks earlier, reached the final in CL and lost by penalties, won the super and the intercont. Cups by beating Milan especially, twice within a month

    juve didn't win interconinental cup.


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    the thing that bothers me most is the ignorance shown by Moggi and even Lippi for that matter.

    Last season, there were signs of an ageing defence. We were not as bad as we are now, but still, in many games, it was clear that Montero and Iuliano were looking shakey. On top of that, they are in their 30's. As is Ferrara and thuram. same as pessotto and birindelli isnt far off it either. Why did Moggi not start the transition last summer? Legrottaglie was never going to be enough for our defence IMO.

    Then this ignorance continued on in january's market. Surely Moggi could have at least signed one decent defender to help us. Rodriguez would have been good for example. But Moggi didnt. he said that the team was competitive etc...

    On top of all this, Lippi shows ignorance in decision making. Example, lets persist with Montero no matter how many penalties and ridiculous mistakes he makes. Lets persist with Del Piero even though Miccoli was showing way better form. Lets fuk around Davids and Appiah and make Davids leave early, and make Appiah have no confidence or form at all. Lets wait for a half of a season before actually allowing Maresca to play and prove himself. Lets loan out the likes of Olivera instead of actually letting have a chance, i mean, creativity is something we lack in midfield, surely he could have helped out in that department.

    i dont mind if juve doesnt win anything in a season. you cant always win. but this team has very good players in its squad, and we should be playing a lot better. there are at least 10 players at this club who are not allowing juve to be at their best.

    now, what is a crisis? how can you classify a crisis? juve is going to make a loss for the first time in a while. we are not going to win anything. we may have to actually change our whole defensive unit as at least 4 defenders are not good enough for us anymore. Our midfield lacks creativity and consistancy. And our forwards are either injury prone, not in form or waste many chances.

    now, if people cant see that on the field, juve are in crisis, i really think they should be questioned as to whether or not they should be where they are right now. we have lossed to Milan, Roma, lazio and Inter this season. we havent beatin one good team this season.


    Senior Member
    Jun 3, 2003
    Look, lets not make a big deal about this.
    Being Juve doesnt mean you have the right to take home titles year in and year out. Nobody is perfect. Nobody is invincible. Good times are good, and bad times are a part of the game. There's nothing anyone can do about it. Unfortunately every winning cycle is a phase. We were awesome for 4 seasons in the 90s...then we had 2 really substandard seasons, now we've come good again. So its time for some changes to create a cycle which may be good or bad.

    I think all of us here know our defense let us down. Age and injuries were determining factors as well, but hell, lets be grateful to that defense for doing what it did in the last years gone by. The defense did its job. Theyve served their time well, its time to move on, and we will.


    Senior Member
    Feb 13, 2004
    The point is, we started the season very well! It looked very promising as we won every game up until Inter!
    The season could have been a lot better! We could still be in the Scudetto chase, still fighting in the CL....


    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    guys what's the possibilty of Trapattoni taking over from Lippi, i.e Both of them switching roles :eek:

    Seriously what's the possibilty of this happening ?? :undecide:


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    I agree that we are not in crisis. We are in the down-time. Business cycle.

    As for blaming Lippi and Moggi- I don't think it's fair. You have got to be wrong sometimes. It just happened that they were wrong this year.

    I want to see where Trap will take Italy this summer.
    The Arif

    The Arif

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    Jan 31, 2004
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    ++ [ originally posted by Pendir ] ++
    As for blaming Lippi and Moggi- I don't think it's fair. You have got to be wrong sometimes. It just happened that they were wrong this year.

    you gotta be wrong sometimes, but not all the season!!!

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