Trabelsi...lost cause or... (2 Viewers)

Mar 14, 2004
We all know the qualities of this full back but is he nessecary?
Did he or did he not signed a new contract?

And the last seems that Lauren is departing to barcelona and Arsenal is expected to look for a new full-back and Trabelsi is on their shortlist.

Here are some fckin rumours to read:

I would Thuram to be one of ours CBs and then we must buy a RB(and I dont like Oddo) and Biri isnt good enough to start 30+games in season.

Buy on
Jul 12, 2002
Well, I'd be surprised if we got Trabelsi, mostly because Moggi does not like to get involved in disputes, like the one between Ajax and Trabelsi. Oddo is a much more realistic option, though I think that Bonera will be our starting right back next year.
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by mark77 ] ++
You really like Bonera Ian? What do you like about him? I can't find anything good.
No. I think he's just an average player and it's going to suck when we find out he's not a good right back, he's much better in the centre of the defense. I don't want him, I just think that Moggi will buy him and Thuram will move to central defense, so Bonera will have to play.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Ian ] ++

No. I think he's just an average player and it's going to suck when we find out he's not a good right back, he's much better in the centre of the defense. I don't want him, I just think that Moggi will buy him and Thuram will move to central defense, so Bonera will have to play.
First he started on RBC, he was ok, then Prandelli put him RB, he sucked, now he played him LB, he sucked more. I don't think we'll buy him. The only positive thing about him is that he's young. He can't mark, he can't tackle and he's a bit slow. + he's Milanista. If Moggi doesn't see that. :eek:

You said it best that Oddo is a beter alternative. Can cross and he's fast. Unreliable defensively but he could learn. There's a guy that plays with Torino called Balzaretti, he could be a signing "a la" Mancini.
Sep 28, 2002
maybe prandelli or whoever it'll be will see that bonera is better in the center of defence and he'll play there and thuram on the right. or maybe bonera will be there to replace iuliano
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Vilhelmas ] ++
maybe prandelli or whoever it'll be will see that bonera is better in the center of defence and he'll play there and thuram on the right. or maybe bonera will be there to replace iuliano
The problem is that both Thuram and Bonera probably play better in the centre at this point.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Vilhelmas ] ++
so maybe 3 man backline will be introduced. i woulnt complain.

Bonera doesn't play LCB.
Thuram may leave the club.

I'd buy Kroldrup, Stovini, Yepès, Milito or Lucio for LCB.
Jul 12, 2002
Well, the option for new managers are: Prandelli, Deschamps, Ranieri, and Del Neri. Deschamps would do it, but not with the defenders we ave now, and Ranieri might try it, but I can't see him sticking to it.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
If Juve gets Prandelli, he's more of a 4-4-2 guy, so I couldn't see them using a 3 man backfield. Even if they did, Buffon would need to have a much better year than this year for Juve to pull that off. Way too many rebounds this year for my liking.
BarkuZ-yes i am an ass
Mar 14, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #15
    Maybe it would be funny to mention this....but I like Hugo Ibarra from Monaco(I think he is a loande to them). He is so so so fast but I think he is about 29. But he made R.Carlos look like a dumbass in CL(same as Zambo did it to him year before).
    Jul 12, 2002
    Trabelsi is the best option, but he's also the oldest. Someone that y'all are forgetting about is Andreas Hinkel from Stuttgard. He's very good and very young....


    Senior Member
    Dec 23, 2002
    Hinkel won't come! He extended his contact, wnats to stay in Germany and would only move to Bayern! Plus, give him some time!
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by A_LAcki ] ++
    Hinkel won't come! He extended his contact, wnats to stay in Germany and would only move to Bayern! Plus, give him some time!
    He extended his contract, but that doesn't mean he won't leave if we come calling...


    Senior Member
    Jan 30, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Ian ] ++
    Trabelsi is the best option, but he's also the oldest. Someone that y'all are forgetting about is Andreas Hinkel from Stuttgard. He's very good and very young....
    Stuttgart* ;).

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