Totti wants to master The secret technique "Tiger Shoot" (1 Viewer)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Totti wants to be like Roberto Carlos.

In an interview the star of Rome and the Italian Selection confessed that he wishes to kick the free kicks like the Brazilian

MADRID (EFE) -- It is very possible that Francesco Totti shared the astonishment of the world of soccer with the launching executed by Roberto Carlos the three of June of 1997 that left with a stupid face the goalkeeper of France, Fabien Barthez.

Is very sure that in that precise moment , Totti decided to learn the technique of the small and muscular lateral Brazilian left-handed p of Real Madrid.

Totti, one of the pillars of the Italian selection, has decided to make his dream come true, and be one of the exclusive members of the Free ckikc Elite shooters, one of the most technical maneuvers of the today s.

"Francesco has decided to kick like roberto carlos", says his personal physical preinn, Vito Scala. The free kick of Roberto Carlos that day in the stadium "Gerland" of Lyon is already in the videos and books:

"Foul in Brazils favor, a free kick about 35 meters of Barthez. The French barrier is armed. Roberto Carlos places the ball and, following his ritual of launching, he backs down steps to take race. He shoots. The ball surpasses the Gallic wall with a great parabola and seems that it flies away with a deviation of 45 degrees of Barthez´s goal, that nor moves, convinced that Robert Carlos has failed the shot. A second later is gathering the ball of the bottom of the net. A whim of the destiny? No, the effect that Robert Carlos applied to the ball caused that it changed of right direction when Barthez saw it in the stands. A worthy trajectory studied by the scientists."

Totti, of 27 years, dreams about something similar. According to dello revealed Scala to "the Sport Gazzetta", has seen and reviewed the videos of the games of Real Madrid and has studied all the dynamics of the launchings of Roberto Carlos: the impact, the part of the foot that strikes, the inclination of the body, the passages of the race. Totti has acquired greater muscular power with the work in the gymnasium, an aspect in which honors Roberto Carlos, who always has maintained that there is no trick in his firings. "Simply I send the best t and more powerfull than I can", says.

International the Brazilian strikes the ball with the outer part of the left foot. The impact takes place with last the three fingers: the means, to annul and index. A combination of technique and power that turns the goalkeepers to statues. Sometimes in his launchings, the ball surpasses the 120 kilometers per hour, only surpassed by the 160 of another one of the great "bombers": the Serb Sinisa Mihailovic, who with 22 free kick goals in "Calccio" is the best scorer of last the 20 years, in front of Roberto Baggio and Gianfranco Zola (19), Maradona (14) and Michel Platini (13).

Totti wants to follow the steps of Roberto Carlos. In the training, usually he executes a 15-20 average launchings, of which half finishes in goals, advised more than once by Fabio Capello, good connoisseur of Roberto Carlos of his season (1996-97) like technician of Real Madrid. "Proving and proving he has assimilated the style of the Brazilian", adds Scala. In fact Totti marked three goals against Milan in the double end of the Italy Cup. In the going, in San Siro, Totti struck the ball of the same form that Robertò does Carlos: with the right outer part of the boot, instead of the habitual left interior. Goal.

Totti already learned to shoot free kicks with 13 years old.He played in the Lodigiani. He did with power, chose the positioning and never it guessed right. With the youthful ones of Rome, he chose the power to throw a fre kick from 35 meters. He wrote down. With Carlos Bianchi in the Rome in the mid 90´s, Totti continued perfecting the technique of the Free kick. His model was Daniel Fonseca, the Uruguayan player of unlucky memory for the fans of the Valencia when he militated in Napoles.

It was in an eliminatory of the first round of the Uefa Cup in the Mestalla arena,Valencia, the 16 of September of 1992. Fonseca scored the five goals in the victory of Napoles (1-5.

There is no doubt that with such teachers, Totti will leave his signature in the story of soccer.

At the end, 2 Roberto Carlos are better than one.

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Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
:LOL: at Totti ..

I remeber him practising free kicks with Del Piero when he first joined the Azzurri .. now he took Del Piero's numer 10 and also most of his free kicks :fero:


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++
I remeber him practising free kicks with Del Piero when he first joined the Azzurri .. now he took Del Piero's numer 10 and also most of his free kicks :fero:


Senior Member
May 20, 2003
i think totti is a very good and strng shooter

and i think u agree with me on this,,
drop ur hate to him , and think about it ..
i've seen many fouls and shots for him
he is really good, power with control
few players can manage both of these powers.

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++
I remeber him practising free kicks with Del Piero when he first joined the Azzurri .. now he took Del Piero's numer 10 and also most of his free kicks :fero:
but u have to admit, he is better than dp at it ;)

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
totti needs to feed his press agent, his coach and hang himself.

wouldnt it be better for him to practise it quietly until one day he comes out and does the same thing- shocking the whole world and looking like a hero??


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by El Idiota ] ++
but u have to admit, he is better than dp at it ;)

No, not really .. I think Totti and Del Piero are both good at free-kicks .. but not the best in the world :)


Senior Member
May 18, 2003
Even if he took #10 from Del Piero, he's still younger and has a lot to give...he's strong as a shooter, scorer and playmaker...;)
Such a promising player

He needs to maintain his manners a little:D, and I think this is the first step ;)....becasue he used to be known as nagging and stonehead, I think he 's trying his best to gain good image, and to be something in the Azzurri....

and being him a friend to Del Piero could turn him into a better person...;) ;) I' not saying he's all bad, I'm a bag fan of him myself *FORZA TOTTI* :D , but I'm sure he's going to achieve something in the near future....;) ;) ;)

We'll wait and see...:) :) :)


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
How would you guys rate Del Piero in terms of his free-kick ability.

Mihailovic, Beckham, and RVH are just a few who are better than DP in free-kicks. is del piero even in the top 20 freekick takers?


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #13
    Totti, is a very good player!. And his free kicks are very good.

    Del Piero is a very good free kick taker too Majed. I have seen a lot of goals from him.


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    i've seen great goals from DP too, but i've seen many even greater ones from other players.

    i just wanna know how DP is ranked in the World?i'm begning to doubt that he's among the best.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #16
    Nedved have force in his shoot, but DP knows how to make the ball spin with class.

    Nedved too, but is mainly force.

    Dj Juve

    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    no, but for some reason, when nedved came to juve, DP's set piece quality died of..if we get Deco or Aimar or D'ale, i would rather they take the kicks..


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
    Totti is easily better than dp at freekicks at this moment in time. However comapred to dp in his freekick-taking prime, totti is no match for our captain. I'm hoping against hope he can rediscover his set piece ability, last season was very disappointing


    Senior Member
    Dec 16, 2002
    I agree with Paolo, when Del Piero on form, like he was in earlier this season is one of the best free-kick taker in the world. However, I feel he lacks consistency whereas players such as Beckam can hit them constantly well.

    Totti is decent free-kick taker, but overrated one, IMO. (I may be be a bit biased though.;))

    Rivaldo was the best free-kick taker that I have ever seen when he was at his peak.:). Ronald Koeman wasn't too bad either.

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