Motta : “Sorry for the defeat. We had a good first half. Napoli first in the standings for a reason: they are strong and have a good coach, plus they can prepare all week. Juve hasn't won in Naples since 2019, it means it's a difficult pitch for us”
[Nico Schira]
Motta : “We showed great personality throughout the first half. We limited Lobotka: in the second half we chose to remain compact to counter a team that is physically fit and more rested than us, but we were not capable. #Napoli then took over the field”
[Nico Schira]
[Nico Schira]
Motta : “We showed great personality throughout the first half. We limited Lobotka: in the second half we chose to remain compact to counter a team that is physically fit and more rested than us, but we were not capable. #Napoli then took over the field”
[Nico Schira]