The verdict - Calciopoli charges announced (9 Viewers)


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
bergomi said:
Do you take pride in the way your team has cheated continuously over the past 10+ seasons? Do you have any integrity?
you know what fannybaws? even if juve have cheated for the last 10 years, even if that was true(2 seasons dickhead)
firstly- it was not the fault of the players but the board, why shoud they be punished
secondly-even in that case and every title we won in the last 10 years was stripped, we would still have more than you,must be hard to be the wee team in italy with delusions of grandeur


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
This is not about Inter vs Juve. It's about the trial and the decision that will be taken next week or even later.

Warnings will be handed out by me or other mods if this crap continues. Thanks!


Junior Member
May 30, 2004

Scandal judge hits back:toast:

Justice minister blasts trial and sparks amnesty row

The judge in the trial into Italian soccer's biggest ever scandal hit back Friday at criticism from Justice Minister Clemente Mastella .

Mastella compared the Italian Soccer Federation (FIGC) tribunal into alleged match-fixing by four top clubs to the "spectacles of the Coliseum" in an interview with Corriere della Sera .

Champions Juventus, the club at the centre of the scandal, risk being relegated to the third division by the tribunal, which is expected to issue its sentences Monday evening. The FIGC prosecutor has also asked that AC Milan, Lazio and Fiorentina be sent down to Serie B .

In the interview, Mastella suggested the clubs and individuals charged were not being given time to defend themselves and that the tribunal "has already made its decisions" .

The tribunal's chief judge, Cesare Ruperto, a former head of the Constitutional Court, dismissed Mastella's claims .

"In the newspapers they say the defences are being strangled for time, whereas they have as much of it as they want," said Ruperto, who did not refer specifically to the minister .

"It is unthinkable that a former president of the Constitutional Court would restrict defence counsels. They can say what they want and then the commission (of judges) will convene and take the time needed to examine everything" .

The FIGC is in a race against time to wrap up the sporting disciplinary process before UEFA holds the draws for next season's European club competitions at the end of the month. Many defendants have expressed concern that the haste will lead to "summary justice" .

Mastella sparked another row by backing calls for an amnesty to be granted to those implicated in the scandal if the Azzurri win the World Cup Sunday. "I don't understand why the great joy of an Italian victory at the World Cup should wipe out the serious phenomenon of corruption that has hit soccer," said House Speaker Fausto Bertinotti .

Mastella suggested it would not be right to see Juventus and Italy players like Azzurri captain Fabio Cannavaro and Alessandro Del Piero play in the third division after the national team's success at Germany 2006. Over half of the Azzurri - 13 of the 23 players - play with clubs facing charges .

The justice minister said it would be similar to the way the British people "dumped" Winston Churchill at the ballot box after he won the war .

But Italy and AC Milan midfielder Gennaro Gattuso said he disagreed, even though his club is one of those threatened with relegation. "It would not be fitting to grant an amnesty if Italy become World Champions for the millions of fans who are awaiting the sentences," he said .

"Once again we would come out looking like the country of easy compromises .

"It might seem a contradiction to those outside the game to see players who are competing for the World Cup threatened with Serie B. "But they are all players at their peak. They would not have any trouble finding a new club if there were penalties". As well as relegation, Juventus may be stripped of its 2006 and 2005 titles and have to start next season with a six-point penalty .

Juventus is in hottest water because its former general manager, Luciano Moggi, is the alleged ringleader of a network set up to steer matches in some clubs' favour .

FIGC prosecutor Stefano Palazzi wants Lazio and Fiorentina to start Serie B with a 15-point penalty, while he thinks Milan should kick off the season at -3. The tribunal is also considering the cases of 26 club executives, referees, linesmen and Federation officials accused of being part of the 'Moggi system' .

These individuals, many of whom are also under criminal investigation, risk being banned from the sport from between one and five years .

Friday is expected to be the last day of hearings at the tribunal .

The judges will convene over the weekend to make their decisions. These should be announced on Monday evening or Tuesday .

The amnesty proposal was originally made by MP Maurizio Paniz, a member of former premier Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia party and a supporter of Juventus. Berlusconi owns one of the sides facing relegation - Milan .

Four separate criminal probes into the scandal are expected to reach the trial stage much later. State prosecutors are looking at different elements of the alleged web of corruption, which also extends to illegal betting, false accounting, doping and transfer fraud. The so-called Moggi-gate scandal is the biggest to hit the sport since a 1980 betting case in which Paolo Rossi - later Italy's 1982 World Cup hero - was among the players banned. Lazio and Milan were relegated to Serie B as a result of that scandal .


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2005
AlexTheGreat said:
now the head of figc rossi said that he is thinking about an Amnesty if Italy win the WC, with Juve in A but start the new season with -30

what do you think?
this is awesome. as long as we keep our titles, which we won on the pitch to anyone who watched the league it's obvious (number of penalties etc it's all obvious we weren't favoured "even if moggi tried" (even)....) it's good for me. As long as we keep our titles.

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
BFC82 said:
I have nothing against Italy, but this amnesty crap is exactly what I was afraid of. Its so ridiculous the clubs should get off the hook for what the NT did. I have asked this before, would it be fair if the punishments were more severe if Italy did not win the WC?

but dont u think being relegated is pointless because its unfair on the teams below us, as they will have a lesser chance of being promoted. i think mmerging serie A and Serie B is the best thing ive heard so far.


Sep 23, 2003
Mass relegation = mass exodus of talent = diluted Serie A

The entire sport in Italy is going to be f*ed for a while and will be sent back years.

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
i think its also in the best interests of the figc that they shud keep as many of the superstars in italy, i mean the loss of sheva is bad, but cud u imagine the likes of cannavaro, kaka, etc.... playing abroad and leaving the league to a bunch of has been south americans? and players like vieri?

wot are the chances of this amnesty going to happen?


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2006
i think its alot harder desision then just saying go down to serie C because of the teams that are involved. I dont understand the point of punishing people that didnt do anything, like canna and del piero. If all 4 teams go down the league will suffer, these are 4 of the biggest clubs in italy and they all have some great talent on their team. what happens if all the teams go down and guys dont want to play there, people like pirlo, vieira, emerson, thuram, nesta, cafu, seedorf, gilla, dida, buffon, trezuguet, nedved, etc. they might not just leave their respected teams but leave italy. If they treat this the wrong way the whole league will suffer and if they all teams get demoted i cant see Serie A getting the reputation to bring big names like those back in to play in italy.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
I think that si teh sad truth.......

it woild be fair to other teams who fought "fairly for the scudetto" to send the wrongdoers to lower divisions..... but to send milan juve fiore and lazio to serie B will do an enormous damage to SerieA....

I think that they musttry to agree some punishment from the wrong doers.... and maybe strip the scudettos.... but the relegation will affect the league...and who knows how much..


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2005
It's unbelievable that they're placing Juve at the center of all this and not Milan. I still can't believe this injustice. It's so obvious who's behind most corruption in the league.

7/7/06 BBC :

Berlusconi to be tried for fraud

Silvio Berlusconi
Silvio Berlusconi denies he has done anything wrong
An Italian judge has ruled that former PM Silvio Berlusconi should stand trial over alleged fraud concerning his family's media company Mediaset.

He is one of 14 people sent for trial by Judge Fabio Paparella in the northern city of Milan.

It follows an investigation into claims of embezzlement, false accounting, tax fraud and money laundering in TV rights deals between 1994 and 1999.

The trial is set to begin in November. Mr Berlusconi denies any wrongdoing.

Mr Berlusconi, who headed a centre-right government for five years until he resigned after his defeat in April's general election, claims he is the victim of politically biased left-wing judges.

He has been before the courts in Italy at least six times on corruption charges.

On the three occasions he was found guilty, his convictions were either cancelled on appeal or the case was declared void because too much time had elapsed between the alleged offence and the trial.

'Off-shore firms'

Preliminary hearings began last October after a four-year investigation by Milan prosecutors into the allegations involving Mediaset.

Lawyer David Mills, the estranged husband of British Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell, and Fedele Confalonieri, chairman of Mediaset, have also been ordered to stand trial. They also deny any wrongdoing.

David Mills and Tessa Jowell
British lawyer David Mills is accused of taking bribes

The defendants are accused of involvement in the use of offshore firms to buy US television and cinema rights, reselling them at inflated prices to Mediaset, to avoid paying Italian tax.

"It was a predictable decision, considering the previous hearings in Milan," Mr Berlusconi's lawyer Niccolo Ghedini said after the announcement.

"They haven't allowed crucial witnesses for the defence to be heard."

Judge Paparella is still considering whether to charge Mr Berlusconi and Mr Mills in a related case.

The former Italian prime minister is accused of paying Mr Mills $600,000 (£324,000) to give favourable evidence in two court cases. Both men deny the charges of bribery.

Ansa reports that the 14 defendants could face between four and 12 years in prison if found guilty.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
this trial has been a huge thing, it spanned outside of italy. Thats why many ppl just want to punish the clubs involved in the maximum way. They want to make the example of those clubs to the world that italy is not the corrupted country.
Everyone outside of italy predicted that there will be record penalties handed out to the clubs and everything will be alrite, nobody demoted or nothing. So they want to change that view.

they dont care whether it changes the league or not, they just want to make an example of those teams and especially "juve", since it is the biggest club in italy


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
serfaraaz said:
why cant judges grant amnesty to juve italian law iS shit

because if they COULD grant amnesty for no reason at all, that would be even shittier law....

think how you would feel about that if you were an interista, an amnesty is absolute BULLSHIT imo.

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