The Official Rejects Thread (12 Viewers)

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
Before I start, I'd like to make it clear that this is no way to "redeem" myself (regarding the cricket thread), because I don't consider that I had wrong intentions, though I do admit that the title gave the wrong impression. Nevertheless, I've decided to have a thread about all the good things to come from this country. I will start a quick list, as I'm about to go to class. Feel free to add and discuss.

In no order:

Hamburgers- It might have originated in Germany or what not, but we all owe the US for where they took it.

Fast Food- Disregarding all the negative talk about it these days, there's nothing better than being hungry and being able to chow down on something within 5 minutes. McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Hardy's, you name it, it's some good shit.

Taliban - Despite my views on the American foreign policy, and their intentions on invading Afghanistan, and the pre-9/11 involvement (during the Soviet invasion), I think that the riddance of the Taliban and the liberation of the Afghani people was much due.

Miami - My new favorite city in the world. This city's amazing. I like the fact that people from every part of the world (literally) reside here; I love palm trees, I love the european-ness of it, I love the beaches, I love the girls, I love everything about this city.

Quckly before I go to class

WWF/WWC (good shit growing up)
The Knight Rider
The A-Team


Buy on


and the Cockroaches
Dec 27, 2005
Don't like much America though... But America have many great thing and Miami is definitly one of them. Btw I like American cars that's for sure...


The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
Before I start, I'd like to make it clear that this is no way to "redeem" myself (regarding the cricket thread), because I don't consider that I had wrong intentions, though I do admit that the title gave the wrong impression. Nevertheless, I've decided to have a thread about all the good things to come from this country. I will start a quick list, as I'm about to go to class. Feel free to add and discuss.

In no order:

Hamburgers- It might have originated in Germany or what not, but we all owe the US for where they took it.

Fast Food- Disregarding all the negative talk about it these days, there's nothing better than being hungry and being able to chow down on something within 5 minutes. McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Hardy's, you name it, it's some good shit.

Taliban - Despite my views on the American foreign policy, and their intentions on invading Afghanistan, and the pre-9/11 involvement (during the Soviet invasion), I think that the riddance of the Taliban and the liberation of the Afghani people was much due.

Miami - My new favorite city in the world. This city's amazing. I like the fact that people from every part of the world (literally) reside here; I love palm trees, I love the european-ness of it, I love the beaches, I love the girls, I love everything about this city.

Quckly before I go to class

WWF/WWC (good shit growing up)
The Knight Rider
The A-Team

How could you leave out the country's most famous export... The Hog


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
Foo Fighters
star wars(the film not reagans insane defence programme)
robert de niro

and most importantly.........

The Padovanno


Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
Nov 1, 2004

Do you hate America (i.e. the United States) or do you simply dislike the current Bush administration? And if you hate America, why? Do you hate America because she is the most powerful nation in the world or because she loves to poke her nose in the affairs of other countries? If any other country were as powerful as America, wouldn't you think they would be more involved in the affairs of less powerful nations just as America is?

What is it you hate about America? Her behemoth industries and the way they dominate the world of global capitalism? Her cultural exports which are gradually becoming a part of your everyday life and those of your kids– movies, music, food, clothes? Her arrogant neo-con politicians who feel the rest of the world really doesn't matter? Her dumb citizens who know next to nothing about the rest of the world? Her greedy preachers who amass a fortune while telling others about the coming of the kingdom of God? Her ruling political class which talks about human rights yet treats non-American citizens caught in a War on Terror as subhumans? Her ultra-rich, movie stars and sport stars that you would want to just get away from but who keep popping up each time you put on the television set? Her industrial lobby which seems so bent on increasing its profit base that it distorts reality and shamefully ignores the menace of global climate change?

Is America hated because she is America or because she is the most powerful nation in the world? And if you hate her, do you boycott American products – rather, can you avoid using American products? Do you believe in the American dream or do you see it as one grand illusion in which a majority working class would always be subject to those who rule the roost?

Whatever your views are on this country, there can be no denying one thing – no other nation affects the lives of people across the world in so many ways each day as America does. And for all its ills, it has managed to build some of the most functional (and sometimes cryptic) organizations in the world. It leads the world in technological innovation and the very reason why I am able to type this message today is because of a country call America. The last time I checked, I was informed that the internet was invented there!

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