The Nike - Tamoil Controversy (4 Viewers)


Nov 26, 2006
I don't mind the US as much as everyone else and so I don't blame them.

Would Nike and Tamoil not already have been aware of the situation with regard to the current law and therefore have taken it into account when negotiating the deals. That said I can't remember whether nike or tamoil came first.

Another point is the contract between Juve and Tamoil. Is it likely that there would have been a clause in the contract in case juve were relegated or not playing champs league that would enble the contract to be renegotiated or rescinded? If there wasn't a clause allowing for this then juve would be entitled to a fairly hefty amount of compensation.

Anyway good riddance to Tamoil the less Juve has to do with terrorists the better. I myself am currently considering a bid for Gadaffis share of Juve. What would 7% of Juve be worth now? Student loan should cover it!:D


Senior Member
May 13, 2006
I think one of the reasons that there's still a grudge is that Qadhafi denies responsibility. Under the Libyan offer, each victim was to receive $10 million: $4 million to be paid when UN sanctions are lifted; $4 million once US sanctions are lifted; and $2 million when the United States takes Libya off the State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism. Despite the compensation offer, Libya’s head of state Colonel Qadhafi refuses to accept personal responsibility for the Lockerbie bombing. The Libyan leader has had a deep of the United States and compared America to Nazi Germany.

There are also the issues of WMD in Libya, as well as state-sponsored terrorism.

It's sad though, that all this extends into the world of sport.
He is insulting nazis with that


Junior Member
Apr 10, 2006
santa clause shold sponser us he will be great!! :santa: lol and by d way why barcellona had noting as a main sponser last year? because she had so many money?? and is it now Unicef paying something to be their sponser?


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
santa clause shold sponser us he will be great!! :santa: lol and by d way why barcellona had noting as a main sponser last year? because she had so many money?? and is it now Unicef paying something to be their sponser?
No actually Barca is paying Unicef to put their logo on jersies....:pumpkin:


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
aa so barca are paying them? how come? to support them? and y dont barca ned a sponser?
Just some kind of a PR stunt...

Barca traditionally resisted sponsor logo's on their jersies. Barca is "protest football" or "anti-capitalist" football club....or at least historically.

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