The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve (42 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
++ [ originally posted by timeover ] ++

Delvecchio out? It's so sad...:frown:

anyway.Does cassano really not going to torino?
should we trust sensi? or trust ablity of moggi?:LOL:
Sure thing is that Roma will sell players in January, and perhaps in June too because they need money. I doubt they will be able to replace them with same level players.

Buy on


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004
Oh man, they intend to sell Delvecchio.

I'm sure that if Cassano were to come to Juve, his attitude will be a change and getting along well with his teammates. I like this guy's talent and he has the potential to be 1 of the greatest strikers in Italy, so getting out of Roma will change his attitude, his future will be better and his potential will be maximised. Besides Juve have Capello to control him, and Emerson and Zebina can talk to Cassano if he were to behave badly.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
if capello is the only man who can control cassano, does this mean that once capello leaves, cassano will casue havoc once again?


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Unfortunately, Cassano is sick. Some psychiatric experts had found in him personality patological disorders (related to authority principles in his childhood). There is big chance that this malady will prevent him to have a succeful career as a football player.
Is problems can be alleviated with psychoanalytical sessions, but he has strongly rejected it.....

He is a time bomb...


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Eaglesnake_1 ] ++
Unfortunately, Cassano is sick. Some psychiatric experts had found in him personality patological disorders (related to authority principles in his childhood). There is big chance that this malady will prevent him to have a succeful career as a football player.
Is problems can be alleviated with psychoanalytical sessions, but he has strongly rejected it.....

He is a time bomb...
Is that a true story, or just a bad attempt at a joke? I'm guessing it's the latter since there is no actual source.


Junior Member
Nov 6, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Adrian ] ++
if capello is the only man who can control cassano, does this mean that once capello leaves, cassano will casue havoc once again?
at least,he'll adapt himself to new circumtasces easily. because of capello.
after adaptation,I'm sure that he won't make a trouble, definitely.
unlikely someone:D, he didn't make a trouble with teammates especially.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Ferrari^M ] ++
Taking bets on when Cassano will be left out of the squad again.
Will he last over a month? :)
My guess is that he won't start against Reggina, then he'll chuck a fit and get excluded from the squad again without setting foot on the pitch :D


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004

Cassano, sondaggi in corso
14 11 2004

Grazia Neri
Antonio Cassano torna in squadra ma le voci intorno al suo futuro non accennano a spegnersi, anzi. Mentre il talento barese fa innervosire, con il suo atteggiamento, Del Neri e i Sensi, il suo procuratore, Giuseppe Bozzo, si sta dando parecchio da fare.

Invece si cercare un compromesso con il patron giallorosso, Bozzo si è mosso in anticipo: giovedì sera è stato a cena a Torino con Fabio Capello e Galletti, uomo di fiducia di Luciano Moggi. Non occorre fare troppi calcoli: l’argomento era il futuro di Cassano.

Non va dimenticato il fatto che la Roma deve reperire oltre 15 milioni, dopo l’esito dell’assemblea societaria che ha approvato il bilancio 2004.2005. Ecco che la cessione di un giocatore come Cassano è una tentazione davvero forte, soprattutto alla luce di un contratto pesante da rinnovare.

Ma la Juve è solo una delle tante pretendenti: il Real insiste e Pozzo, mercoledì prossimo, sarà proprio a Madrid. Ufficialmente si tratta di un viaggio privato ma viene difficile pensare che non ci sarà un qualche contatto con le merengues.


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

My guess is that he won't start against Reggina, then he'll chuck a fit and get excluded from the squad again without setting foot on the pitch :D
He started against Messina and had a full game


Junior Member
Sep 27, 2004
Juventus, le mire di Moggi: subito Jankulovski, Cassano a giugno
Mer 17 Nov, 12:20 PM

La Juventus, nonostante l'ottimo andamento in campionato, già pensa al futuro e a nuovi innesti in una squadra che comunque sta facendo benissimo. I bianconeri vorrebbero prendere a giugno il gioiello della Roma Antonio Cassano, da tempo ormai in crisi con la società di Franco Sensi. In tale direzione si é mosso anche l'allenatore bianconero Fabio Capello che ha recentemente cenato con Giuseppe Bozzo, manager di Cassano. Insieme ai due c'era anche Graziano Galletti, da anni esperto osservatore della Juventus.Oltre a inseguire Cassano il direttore generale juventino Luciano Moggi prepara un altro colpo a sorpresa: già a gennaio potrebbe soffiare all'Inter il centrocampista dell'Udinese Jankulovski. La trattativa andrebbe infatti ad intralciare quella già avviata dalla società di Moratti su richiesta di Roberto Mancini. 'Big Luciano' si prepara a fare un brutto scherzo al tecnico nerazzurro.(Tuttosport)
In case you don't speak Italian, the article states:

Juve could take Cassano in June, Capello had breakfast with the Peter Pan's agent (with a stronger Juve consultant joining them). Moggi also plans to rob Jankulovski out of Morati's hand.

Cassano is getting closer to wearing la maglia della Juve.


Junior Member
Nov 18, 2004
I don't want him to Juve.......
Maybe he is a fantastic player, but he always do the things that he wants to do and never obey the rules.....
In my opinion, I really don't like him...
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