The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve (46 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004
++ [ originally posted by king Ale ] ++

have a look...:D
Actually both of them r good frens. They gave each other pats in the head. After Zebina did a foul on Cassano, he pulled him up and patted Cassano's head as well. Shows that they r good frens.

I don't know if Cassano coming to Juve is a boon or a bane, but 1 thing I know for sure is that, Cassano would have a hard time getting in the starting-lineup facing the likes of DP, Trez + Zlatan.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by ZhiXin ] ++
I don't know if Cassano coming to Juve is a boon or a bane, but 1 thing I know for sure is that, Cassano would have a hard time getting in the starting-lineup facing the likes of DP, Trez + Zlatan.
Maybe we could change our formation and play like Real Madrid :D





-----Cassano---Del Piero




Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by ZhiXin ] ++
I don't know if Cassano coming to Juve is a boon or a bane, but 1 thing I know for sure is that, Cassano would have a hard time getting in the starting-lineup facing the likes of DP, Trez + Zlatan.
Maybe we could change our formation and play like Real Madrid :D





-----Cassano---Del Piero




Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by ZhiXin ] ++
I don't know if Cassano coming to Juve is a boon or a bane, but 1 thing I know for sure is that, Cassano would have a hard time getting in the starting-lineup facing the likes of DP, Trez + Zlatan.
Maybe we could change our formation and play like Real Madrid :D





-----Cassano---Del Piero




"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

Maybe we could change our formation and play like Real Madrid :D





-----Cassano---Del Piero


No Graham. I don't think Real plays with three natural defenders. :D


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
No Graham. I don't think Real plays with three natural defenders. :D
Oops, my bad. Replace the back 3 with Zalayeta, Olivera and Kapo ;)


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2004




-----Cassano---Del Piero


There's no need to post 3 of the same stuff man. :D:D:D
This formtaion:

100% attack
0% defence



Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
you know what; I think Zalayeta would make a great centre back :) Olivera and Kapo have the pace to be world class fullbacks too. Let's do it :extatic:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
that's the whole point; we're just messin around mate ;)

reading your comment then looking across at your avatar almost made me giggle :mute:


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
that's the whole point; we're just messin around mate ;)

reading your comment then looking across at your avatar almost made me giggle :mute:
every time i read his posts on politics i laugh because of his avatar:D


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004

Moggi Talks About Cassano…Again!
11/4/2004 7:44:00 AM
Antonio Cassano seems to have become Luciano Moggi’s favourite topic in recent weeks as the Juventus transfer guru commented once again that the bianconeri are interested in the young Roma talent.
Moggi said that he would like to have Cassano at Juve, even though it would be unrealistic to pay a lot of money for just one player.

“Cassano is a player that everyone likes; he’s a small champion who is still growing and can do well everywhere. It would be a lie if I said that we don’t like him. Spending a lot of money is not possible anymore. We have a lot of champions to keep going on our own and who are part of a club that has to be managed at its best.”

Regarding a possible return of Marcelo Salas from River Plate in January to make up for David Trezeguet’s forced absence due to injury, Moggi was clear:

“Salas will remain with River Plate.”


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
OK I am not going to translate this, the general sense is the Roma is already looking for a replacement to Cassano and plan to earn some 30M: names are 1. Tevez, 2. Baros but also an ML possibly Evra, Taddei, or Trabelsi. The whole thing should not cost more than 15-20M

xziz :cool:


Il Punto sulla Roma: é gia Calciomercato
11/4/2004 11:18:00 AM
Baros per il dopo Cassano?
La Roma, dopo aver abbandonato l’ Europa che conta (rimane un filo di speranza solo per la qualificazione in coppa uefa), si rivolgerà presto al calciomercato, per poter salvare una stagione partita davvero sotto i peggiori auspici. Nella discussione amichevole avuta tra Sensi e Baldini, il giorno delle dimissione del D.S. romanista, il Presidente gli ha riferito che la Roma non poteva privarsi di lui, anche perché ora bisognerà lavorare molto sul mercato invernale. Logicamente Baldini dovrà prima vendere Cassano e reinvestire parte della cifra raccolta, che dovrebbe aggirarsi (almeno così si auspica la Presidenza giallorossa) sui 30 milioni.

I nomi che circolano nell’ambiente romanista sono importanti: Evra esterno del Monaco, Taddei e, con la probabile partenza di Cassano, un attaccante che possa sostituirlo. Evra è un esterno molto bravo in fase offensiva, un giocatore che potrebbe permettere a Delneri quel gioco sulla fascia che ad oggi Sartor non riesce produrre. I soldi che servono per accaparrarsi questo forte giocatore sono molti, si parla di 8 milioni di euro. In alternativa ad Evra, c’è Trabelsi, che costa qualcosa di meno, ma non sembra entusiasmare Delneri. Sulla fascia sinistra, un nome su tutti, quel Rodrigo Taddei cercato in estate e sfuggito per una ripicca del presidente De Luca. Taddei, potrebbe arrivare in comproprietà per una cifra sui 3,5 milioni d’euro. Il brasiliano sarebbe l’uomo adatto per poter dare a Delneri quell’esterno sinistro di centrocampo che manca. Ipotesi alternative? La Roma non le ha vagliate, una potrebbe essere Maxwell dell’Ajax.

In ultima analisi, c’è il ruolo di attaccante. Con la partenza di Cassano la Roma dovrà rimpiazzare il barese con un elemento che non abbia un costo superiore ai 15-20 milioni e che possa restituire entusiasmo ad una piazza davvero delusa. I nomi? Tevez del River se mette in saldo il suo fuoriclasse, e soprattutto il ceko Milan Baros, attualmente in pole position. Il talentuoso attaccante del Liverpool, classe 81’ capocannoniere degli europei in Portogallo era stato già contattato negli ultimi giorni d’agosto da Baldini, con la rischiesta del Liverpool che superava di poco i 12 milioni. Oggi costerebbe qualcosa di più, ma la cifra non dovrebbe superare il budget massimo fissato da Sensi.

Roberto Amabile

Il Messiah

Junior Member
Aug 21, 2004
trez maybe sell 2005 summer
he best score machine
but always injury

moggi recontact to him this summer

because that is block free price transfer <ex:davids>

trez out=cassano in

think cassano and zlatan

this duo joint is the strongest in world soccer
maggic+maggic creative+creative
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