The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve (9 Viewers)

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Nov 26, 2006
They're more fun to watch. Serie A is really shit now, man. Let's face it. You can always go back to the 'tactics' argument, but the bottom line is, Serie A lacks a lot of quality. The good old days where three Serie A teams can make it to the semi-final are long gone.
So you know what I prefer?

I didn't comment on what was the superior league.

Buy on


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
I enjoy the rough and tumble, high octane, physically rugged english game, and the german game seems similar...I very rarely have any interest in the spaniards as the theatrics, especially diving saturates most games I have been forced by others to endure...Yes there is diving in italy, but also regularly some of the most cunning and nasty fouls i see in any league. Cultured thugs...are the defenders and enforcers in italy. and i too, like Red, enjoy the tactical side of the italian game. I can understand why my english brethren get bored with watching a cagey game decided by a split second moment of magic, when they have been spoon fed something faster, frenetic and exciting from start to finish, since they were kids...

I get as much pleasure, or rather, a different kind of pleasure from seeing Ibra shackled for 90 minutes by a smiling Chiellini, than i get from seeing Rooney beat two players then beautifully chip into the top corner from 25 yards out...

different strokes for different folks eh...


Reggae Boy
Oct 26, 2009
I enjoy the rough and tumble, high octane, physically rugged english game, and the german game seems similar...I very rarely have any interest in the spaniards as the theatrics, especially diving saturates most games I have been forced by others to endure...Yes there is diving in italy, but also regularly some of the most cunning and nasty fouls i see in any league. Cultured thugs...are the defenders and enforcers in italy. and i too, like Red, enjoy the tactical side of the italian game. I can understand why my english brethren get bored with watching a cagey game decided by a split second moment of magic, when they have been spoon fed something faster, frenetic and exciting from start to finish, since they were kids...

I get as much pleasure, or rather, a different kind of pleasure from seeing Ibra shackled for 90 minutes by a smiling Chiellini, than i get from seeing Rooney beat two players then beautifully chip into the top corner from 25 yards out...different strokes for different folks eh...
rooney more technical than ibra


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2006
How great a league is has nothing to do with whether it is more tactical or high paced. That is a judgement that is in the hands of the spectator, and depends solely on what the spectator finds interesting and exciting to watch. Some prefer tactics, others prefer speed and box-to-box action.

The greatness of a league, should be decided by the overall quality of the players and teams involved, and how competitive each team is in relation to the strongest team of that league. The bigger the gaps, the shittier it is in my opinion.


Senior Member
May 26, 2009
Yeah, it's always amusing to me when people proclaim la Liga as the best, yet there was some 20 odd point game between 2nd and 3rd last season. Yeah, real interesting.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
It's strangely satisfying to see how more developed/solid/complete many of their teams are compared to Serie A.
Solid and complete? No.

Why they do better and are more entertaining is because of their approach to the game, they try to win, and play an open game. That is often amateurish on the tactical side but in Europe if you are trying to win matches rather than not lose then you will generally perform better. The only sides who can set up defense first, go from there, and be successful, are the top ones, like how Man Utd did to win it, or Inter. Or how we used to. Italian sides haven't really found a distinctive style of play, they probably haven't realised that they don't quite have the top players to play their traditional game anymore. Having watched Italian sides of the last few years the naivety of some is astounding. But let's not completely dismiss the 'they don't care' argument, because in the Europa League we have seen lots of players rested or lineups changed, it's not a priority but that doesn't explain some of the games, such as Napoli.


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
rooney more technical than ibra
You seem to have completely misunderstood my opinion. Added 1 and 2 and got 37...There was zero hint of suggesting rooney is technically superior or Ibra is inferior...i was saying that it brings me, personally, as much pleasure to see a player i despise, Ibra, crunched and shackled for 90 minutes by a player i love, it does for me to see another player i adore, Rooney, scoring a beautiful goal. The point was, I don't judge greatness, or take value, with the same measures as others do. Some people gain the most from goals, some from saves...the different elements vary in terms of how exciting they are to different spectators...its in the eyes and heart of the beholder eh! something like that...

Getting back onto topic...

Is there any news on Cassano??? If his contract is rescinded, do Samp avoid paying Madrid the 5m?? Fuck, we could pay it for them. Also, I assume that if his contract is rescinded, he will be allowed to join any team, straight away, and not have to wait until the transfer window reopens, as he will be a free agent, who is not restrained by the same rules applied to the movement of contracted players???

At worst, I hope we get him in January. Marotta should be speaking with Garrone now...I would hate to see him sign for Inter. and now is the time for him at what...28/29 ish??? time to get serious, as he seemed to do under delneri in recent seasons, and ease into DP's position, and win more than the applause of his own, deranged ego.


Nov 26, 2006
Is there any news on Cassano??? If his contract is rescinded, do Samp avoid paying Madrid the 5m?? Fuck, we could pay it for them. Also, I assume that if his contract is rescinded, he will be allowed to join any team, straight away, and not have to wait until the transfer window reopens, as he will be a free agent, who is not restrained by the same rules applied to the movement of contracted players???
It's highly unlike that his contract will be terminated, I believe.

Samp would, I think, still have to pay Real the 5m.

Cassano would be able to join another team straight away, but he wouldn't be able to play for them until the transfer window opens.

X Æ A-12

Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
And where to? This is a great opportunity for some club to get a tremendous talent on the cheap but he seems to have few suitors so far.

I would love to get him but if we already are going to bid for Dzeko than there is no sense in spending 50mil plus on strikers when we have other players to sign too.


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
And where to? This is a great opportunity for some club to get a tremendous talent on the cheap but he seems to have few suitors so far.

I would love to get him but if we already are going to bid for Dzeko than there is no sense in spending 50mil plus on strikers when we have other players to sign too.
Shut your dirty mouth. Cassano on the cheap plus Dzeko is a must.

Cassano-Dzeko :tuttosport:


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
The idea of Cassano with Dzeko is mouth watering...a world class creator and dribbler, with a world class finisher. If DP continues another season, as seems likely, I guess he would be the reserve to Cassano...Amauri obviously has to go, or be killed, but Vinny Iaquinta could be the reserve prima punta to Dzeko. Better still would be for quag to be the reserve to Cassano. Whatever the second string, a front pairing of Cass and Dzeko could become one of the most feared in europe...especially with krasic, aquilani, Melo and a half decent left winger...the future, even the present, looks so much rosier than a few months back. I hope we are back on our way, slowly but surely, to regaining our position as one of the top clubs on the continent.
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