the mystery of soccer (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Manchester United 2-1 Bayern Munich
Basler 6'
Sheringham 90'
Solskjaer 90'

South Korea 2-1 Italy
Vieri 18'
Seol 88'
Ahn 126'

Deportivo La Coruna 4-0 AC Milan

to name a handful out of dozens of examples.

Do you see my point?

Unpredictability, excitment, passion

In terms of playing, it's one of the simplest sports to play on the street. Get a ball, put down some jackets and you've got a game going :thumb:


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by wong ka yan ] ++
soccer seem the most popular sport in the world , we watch football match , play football with fd , discuss football issuss/news , everyday , everywhere .what is the reason that we love footall so much??????:rolleyes:
The Cheerleaders.

No wait, that's not it..............................................


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by wong ka yan ] ++
soccer seem the most popular sport in the world , we watch football match , play football with fd , discuss football issuss/news , everyday , everywhere .what is the reason that we love footall so much??????:rolleyes:
Back in the Paleozoic era, the earliest homo sapiens evolved from fish and we started to emerge from the sea. After millions of years, we started to walk on land and needed sport to entertain us. Having no arms, soccer was a great fit and was practiced in all the schoolyards.

As we continued to evolve into Tyrannosaurus Rexes, we were a fearsome species that dominated the World Cup over the earth for many years, literally devouring much of the competition in our path. Until one year we faced pteranodons in the semi-final and were shut out in a shocking upset. When it came to defending goal, our short arms were no match for the wide wingspan of the pteranodons.

So through genetic cross-breeding, our great grandmothers bore children that evolved arms. This sub-race was to become known as "goalies," and with their help we once again dominated world soccer to this day.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
IMO one of the reasons is that the goals are so important. It's one of the lowest scoring sports, if not the lowest.

In sports like basketball and rugby, the points come thick and fast, so it's not really special when your team scores, where as in football you go absolutely nuts when they score a goal. Not only that, football is exciting and tense from start to finish. In bball, you just need to tune into the last 5 minutes and you can go to school and talk to your friends about the game as if you watched the whole thing. Not the case in football...

Michael Jordan could stay in the air for 5 seconds, stop for a tea break, spin around 3 times and dunk it...from the free throw line... but it'll still be worth the same measly number of points.

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Graham ] ++

Michael Jordan could stay in the air for 5 seconds, stop for a tea break, spin around 3 times and dunk it...from the free throw line... but it'll still be worth the same measly number of points.
yeah but, a 40 yard screamer full of swing from the corner line still has the same value as a tap in from 2 feet.



Sep 23, 2003
My long-time argument here about the scoring in basketball vs. football (er, soccer)?: I have yet to see a basketball game that was worth watching earlier than the last five minutes of the game.

Why? With all the scoring, nothing matters until the last five minutes. And if the game is already decided before there's five minutes remaining, it likely wasn't worth watching to begin with.

I definitely can't say that about football.


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2004
Its the game they play in heaven.....
no thats rugby :(
Anyway the excitement and unpredictability (is that a word) makes me like the sport and have a passion for it! :D


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
Actually, I've been pondering on the same thought - how come football has the most effect on people than other sports?
I don't think it does. It varies from person to person and nation to nation. In the US it is Am Football/Baseball/B-ball; in India/Pakistan- cricket, in other countries- rugby, etc. etc.

With some fans, like most of us, football is a thing which is a part of us. Since I started to follow this sport in 1998, I can't imagine myself without it. Every morning starts with soccerage and other football news resources. Every Monday starts with analysis of what's been happening in England, Italy, Spain, Germany and even France! Because it is so interesting! Football in itself is a separate world, with its laws, players and authorities. Every two years we have a major national competition. Every year we have the CL and UEFA Cup, almost every weekend there is at least one game which is worth watching. Often I feel that the world of football is by far more fun to follow than cars, music, girls and beer.

Can you guys imagine yourselves without football?


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
I never felt the same about football since I met my true love...............................................................................................



Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Yeah, the referee hands out punishments after they let them finish fighting :rolleyes:

As EA Sports says "If it's in the game, it's in the game". Note that EAS included a seperate fighting component in their NHL200x games? I believe in the control configuration you can set the buttons for "Punch, kick"


I've got nothing against the sport when it's being played, but i also hate the fact that they think fighting's a part of the sport.

btw Don, must be tough for you not liking hockey, considering where you're from :D

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