The Mod Thread ("because for some reason,you think we actually care") (17 Viewers)

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Senior Member
May 29, 2005
2 things IMO should be considering by the mods:

1.) Determine a line in the sand for free speech but also a more clear guideline on racism stuff where free speech sorta gets thrown out the window when the general community obviously is against said comments that go against the grain. I mean, racism is racism and free speech can only sugar coat it so much. I'm all for free speech but common sense should prevail. Mods should determine as a team (popular vote) on what constitutes as something crossing the line or not. The forum will always be fun, lol some days less than others, but controlling that stupid shit makes the forum better and letting it go unchecked takes the wind out of her (Tuz) sails. By unchecked, I don't mean warnings/infractions I know those happen but sometimes it seems like it has to be given attention from the community before anything happens even if we can't see when you guys actually do drop the hammer. At least that's the impression I get from members voicing their complaints...when a member says something racists, they obviously don't know when you guys send infractions out, but if there was a clear distinction on what you as a mod team would permit, it might help them back off because they know a "line was crossed" and will be handled accordingly.

2.) Repeat offenders should have a week or two automatically tacked onto their bans and not the minimum. Repeat offenders are repeat offenders for a reason...they keep coming back and doing the same stupid shit and we allllll know its only a matter of time until they do it again so why not just extend their vacation? Double it? Triple it? Either they learn or they don't and some don't learn so whats the point in giving them equal treatment? I think of it as a judge, right...based off of their background history a judge can give two different sentences to two people with the same crime committed. Do the same here I guess is what I'm saying.

Forza Tuz

Buy on


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
2 things IMO should be considering by the mods:

1.) Determine a line in the sand for free speech but also a more clear guideline on racism stuff where free speech sorta gets thrown out the window when the general community obviously is against said comments that go against the grain. I mean, racism is racism and free speech can only sugar coat it so much. I'm all for free speech but common sense should prevail. Mods should determine as a team (popular vote) on what constitutes as something crossing the line or not. The forum will always be fun, lol some days less than others, but controlling that stupid shit makes the forum better and letting it go unchecked takes the wind out of her (Tuz) sails. By unchecked, I don't mean warnings/infractions I know those happen but sometimes it seems like it has to be given attention from the community before anything happens even if we can't see when you guys actually do drop the hammer. At least that's the impression I get from members voicing their complaints...when a member says something racists, they obviously don't know when you guys send infractions out, but if there was a clear distinction on what you as a mod team would permit, it might help them back off because they know a "line was crossed" and will be handled accordingly.

2.) Repeat offenders should have a week or two automatically tacked onto their bans and not the minimum. Repeat offenders are repeat offenders for a reason...they keep coming back and doing the same stupid shit and we allllll know its only a matter of time until they do it again so why not just extend their vacation? Double it? Triple it? Either they learn or they don't and some don't learn so whats the point in giving them equal treatment? I think of it as a judge, right...based off of their background history a judge can give two different sentences to two people with the same crime committed. Do the same here I guess is what I'm saying.

Forza Tuz
We’ve been running things with some variation of your ideas Cam for a while now. Mostly within the issues of trolling, direct insults, spam.

In regards to racism. I don’t consider racism to be protected under free speech on an Internet forum. But here it seems to be a gray area considering the different cultural norms. That leaves us with a couple of options. Continue as is, with mods dealing with these issues as they see fit. Or we develop our own Tuz norms.

It is something the mod team should discuss. Considering this is a fan site for a football team not Stormfront.

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In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
For those interested, the ignore function is way better in Tapatalk. You almost don't get to see the post. Just a very fine line where it says a post was made, but it's barely visible. Much better than when using a pc.


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
We’ve been running things with some variation of your ideas Cam for a while now. Mostly within the issues of trolling, direct insults, spam.

In regards to racism. I don’t consider racism to be protected under free speech on an Internet forum. But here it seems to be a gray area considering the different cultural norms. That leaves us with a couple of options. Continue as is, with mods dealing with these issues as they see fit. Or we develop our own Tuz norms.

It is something the mod team should discuss. Considering this is a fan site for a football team not Stormfront.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ok I’m done here :D

Back to football threads I go
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