The Mod Thread ("because for some reason,you think we actually care") (164 Viewers)

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The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
Kyle, you have some point but not entirely. There has to be a certain level of respect here, otherwise it would be a circus and not a forum. Even if it's "just" an Internet forum you can't go berserk and yell like you live on a mountain. Get your habits here and follow them in real life. You gotta learn to respect others' opinion, however silly or retarded it looks to you. Wishing deaths upon players and staff is idiotic really and it should not be tolerated. Insults towards other clubs will be taken lightly and mods will have more understanding when there's some match that causes the heat, but there's also no reason to make voodoo dolls and make rituals here when it comes to Rooney or any other players.
they grow up soo fast:touched:

Note to forum members:

What is so hard to understand? The forums are a reflection of society. In society there are rules, if you break a rule you generally get punished. You can say whatever you want, but if you tell someone you want them to die or you'll kill them you can face assault charges.

In the forums, if you break to societal limits that have always been established you get a warning. That's not censorship. You can say whatever you want, but there are consequences.

The only problem with the forums is the inconsistency of the warning system, it's either too lax or too harsh. I've been warned for making a silly joke that had no foul language, yet my signature is highly offensive toward an individual on the forum.

The Mods ought to set out a system of warnings, ie. verbal, yellow card, red card, ban. Two verbal warnings get a yc, two ycs get a red, and however many reds over a period of time gain a ban. I know there is something like this already, but in order for it to work there needs to be consistency. Mods must stick by it.

As for censorship, if the mods delete offensive threads. That is censorship. It may be necessary, not my call. If two members get into a heated argument, then mods shouldn't remove the posts. If the posts are properly warned, they will serve as a notice to the rest of the forum.

There the problem is fixed. Quit arguing. Go about your businesses.

I'm going to become even more of an arsehole.
you are gonna start supporting Rangers?

What happened to your usertitle Red?
yeah it was great:andy2:


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
As a Scot in a position of power, am I not obliged to favour them, if not support them?
hey i had a crazy theory,Celtic fans are not over paranoid about the establishment,they are actually not paranoid enough. you see they are so narrow minded they can't see that its not just "the establishment" and the SFA that are out to get them,no way man it goes much further,its UEFA as well,think about it,UEFA fix the European ties too. i mean Celtic never win away games in the Champions League,coincidence?

UEFA let them win the European Cup once.........they won't make that mistake again


Jun 7, 2004
Red became a mod?
I didnt saw that coming, an interesting choice, a balanced poster/member/lad and he spends a lot of time here too.
Grats Andrew:malt:
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