The interest in Lazio players. (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Jun 15, 2003
According to this article, Juve wants to buy a lot of Lazio:

Ennesimo incontro, ennesimo rinvio: Luciano Moggi è più a Roma che a Torino, la sede della Lazio è diventato ormai un appuntamento fisso settimanale per il direttore generale bianconero.

Sul tavolo delle trattative Massimo Oddo ma non solo. I lunghi colloqui sembrano essersi allargati ad altri due giocatori che potrebbero finire alla Juve, Cesar e Simoni Inzaghi.

L’attaccante potrebbe essere l’unica alternativa a Trezeguet, in una squadra che, a parte il francese, rischia di non avere altre prime punte. Zalayeta e Kapo sono stati infatti offerti proprio alla Lazio in cambio di Oddo, più un conguaglio di 4 milioni di euro circa. Lolito, però, vorrebbe una contropartita tecnica diversa.

Chiellini, Iuliano o Tudor, i giocatori richiesti dai biancocelesti, con la preferenza della formula del prestito con diritto di riscatto. Il primo, però, serve alla Juve per arrivare a Jankulowski; reterebbero disponibili Iuliano e Birindelli.

Luciano Moggi sta lavorando anche per la pista Cesar: tra Inter e Lazio la trattativa per il brasiliano si sarebbe bloccata. I nerazzurri avrebbero virato per un altro brasiliano, Taddei, del Siena.

Grande attesa, dunque, per la prossima puntata a Roma: la Juve potrebbe tornare a casa carica di novità.

--There stands that besides Oddo they also want Inzaghi (S) and Cesar. Inzaghi would be a good backup for Trezeguet. They offered Kapo, Zalayeta and 4 million for these 3 players. Cesar is also wanted by Inter but the swap is blocked because they have interest in an other brazilian player. Juve have offered money plus one of Tudor, Iuliano or Chiellini for Jankulovski. Birindelli is also an option.
This is it. Very interesting. Cesar, Jankulovski, Oddo and Inzaghi in the Juve sqaud. I hope that 3 of them will join us.

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
We've gone from Mutu to Simone Inzaghi? :yuck:

I wouldn't mind getting Oddo and Cesar. Giving money and Iuliano for Jankulovski would be great, I'd prefer to keep Tudor, Chiellini and Birindelli


Junior Member
Jun 15, 2003
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    To keep Janko? Sorry, but who do you mean? I also like the idea and it's not a lot of money. he source is btw


    Senior Member
    Nov 10, 2003
    damn! Simone to juve?!:wth:

    I'd rather see Teddy Sheringham play forward with Treze.....this is sick!
    Aug 26, 2003
    hmm.. i don't like the idea of giving away Chiellini or Kapo!!
    I hope Oddo or Jankulovski joines, but why are we not going to buy a Central Defender?

    also in attack i would prefer another man than simone inzaghi!


    Senior Member
    Feb 13, 2004
    I disagree, Pippo was a great striker when he played for us....he just kept on scoring and scoring.....I doubt his brother can do the same but...:down:


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    Just get Oddo. Inzaghi isn't good enough, or maybe he is but I just don't like the name, and Cesar means no Jankulovski.


    Junior Member
    Feb 10, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Holdon ] ++
    Having one Inzaghi play for us was bad enough (sorry Sally!)
    I agree! :D

    Also, I thought Kapo was supposed to be the next Zidane, I've never seen him play though.

    What position do Jankulovski and Cesar play?


    Senior Member
    Jan 30, 2004
    Get them both!

    -----DP/Micco Trez
    Jankulovski ??? ??? ???????

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