The first time.... (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
Ummmm you thought I was going to say the S word. You dirty people. Its much more innocent:D

The first time you felt a burning sensation inside you for a girl. Before a kiss or even before a word is spoken I get this feeling till this day. Its rare because you and the girl intertwine as your eyes lock that first glance. I love this.

Well I was about 3 or so in playschool and there was this one fit blonde with a j lo bum:howler:... she was basically miss thang and all the boys liked her. She liked me from the get go cause who wouldnt. Everyday we would have a break time. My teacher this crazy woman used to call it fresh air time. She used to clap her hands like a looney and say fresh air time kids! can't believe I remember:D When we would go on fresh air time we had to find a patner to hold hands with as we would leave the hall. It was boy and girl holding hands. Maybe a few boy on boy on the odd day but them gays never complained. Anyway, She always picked me until one day she decided to hold some gingers hand. I didnt cry, I just didnt talk to her again. Sweet huh. Man I exposed myself:D Tell us your first time boys and girls, fags not welcome.

Ancient Arabic literature classifies love into seven different shades...
HUB...their eyes meet, it is like a touch...a spark...Attraction.
UNS...the touch of the eyes was as if, it was infatuation
ISHQ...the flame of her body is left, his breath starts igniting... Love.
ADIQAT...Reverence...she toughes him like whisper, as if silence is mixed in her eyes...he prays,knelt down on the floor, a little consciously & a little unconsciously...
IBADAAT...he is entangled on her path...entangled in her arms...(Love turns to Worship.)
JUNOON...his living is an Obsessin...his dying is an Obsession...apart from this there is no peace...
MAUT...let him rest in the lap of death...let him drown his body in her soul...
DIL SE...a journey through these seven shades

Buy on


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by MCPIERO ] ++

The first time you felt a burning sensation inside you for a girl. Before a kiss or even before a word is spoken I get this feeling till this day. Its rare because you and the girl intertwine as your eyes lock that first glance. I love this.
I've never felt like that. Seriously. I have a few girls I like, but nothing like that. I'm probably too young for that (17), but IMO it will never happen to me, I dont believe in true love.

++ [ originally posted by MCPIERO ] ++

Well I was about 3 or so in playschool and there was this one fit blonde with a j lo bum:howler:
And you call us dirty??? :D

++ [ originally posted by MCPIERO ] ++

fags not welcome.
Thats not very nice
Jul 12, 2002
Feeling a bit love sick MCPIERO?

Ah, I remember very well the first time I fell in love. It was highschool and I met this girl at a football camp. She and I were both keepers and we both lived in about the same area of Australia. We got on great immediately, and we were going out before I knew what was happening. Eventually, I had to go off to college, and we broke up for stupid reasons, but we had realized our mistakes and decided to see each other again, but two days before our appointed meeting time, she had a seizure (she was epileptic), she feel, hit her head, and died of brain hemorrhaging. That was a rough time, but shit like happens and it was easy to drown my sorrows in alcohol and marijuana...but enough about that sob story, let's hear something uplifting!

When I was studying in Amsterdam, I went out to a club one night and I was n the dance floor macking on some girl when I caught sight of a beautiful tall girl with long black hair and brilliant green eyes. She was perfectly my type, so I went over and introduced myself. She was lovely, everything that I ever wanted in a woman, so I took her out to coffee, and we started dating the next day. I was never going to let her go, so two months later, I popped the question. After and extended engagement, we got married just this year. :)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Ian....that's sad man :down:

but the second part...

show-off... :undecide:


I'm only 18. I've got a g/f, but i dunno if i'm mature enough to be saying that i get all those feelings. We've been goin out for a bit over a year now, and i think i love her, but i guess i don't know at the moment.


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
Well I read in a book that the first kiss between a couple is given with the eyes...

About when was the firts time... it was this year, this girl began to work in my office and when I saw it I almost cry, I mean it was like Good took alll my tougths about the perfect girl and create her...


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
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    Yeah GOAT I think your too young. Hold up I was 3:D I think it depends on the person. I guess Im old school:D

    fabiana got something to confess:D

    Rickenbacker2 im happy for you bro. I actually cant wait to get married! Well not just yet but in the next 5 years possible.

    Yo Espectro youre on some deep Woman on Top Penelope Cruz type shit man. Have you hooked up with miss perfect?


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
    You guys are nuts. It's got absolutely nothing to do with age. You can be 3, 5, 15, 25, 75 or 250... doesn't matter - if you meet the right girl/boy... BOOM! You're f*cked in both senses of the word ;)

    MCPIERO, I know that feeling you're talking about. I've only had it once, but I'm not gonna talk about it here. That shit is personal to me.

    Dj Juve

    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    LOL, i remember once when I was 8 or something, but i promised myself never to tell anyone..:D it's preddy sick

    btw, McDP, you were 3?! wow, that's the youngest i've heard :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by -CSD- ] ++

    btw, McDP, you were 3?! wow, that's the youngest i've heard :D
    lol... I can't even remember the time when I was 3. But I do remember that young boys from like 0-10 really hates girls, am I right?


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    Exactly...mcpiero, you must have abnormal amounts of testosterone...did you have a hairy chest when you were 2? :howler:


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by -CSD- ] ++
    ok this is weird, but i didnt hate girls 0-10 years old..:undecide:
    i did... they bugged me hardcore.

    It's funny though, how so many of my close girl friends, I used to fight with and make them cry when we were young. :LOL:


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    It happened when i was in highschool..... 9th grade to be exact.

    I always liked some girls... but i was like "uh yeah she is cute"

    But that girl really twisted my world. I did everything to know her.
    I just remember in the recess in the shcool... i was looking at her all the day like "ahhhhh she is cute".

    The first thing i did was to change from my "school bus" to her, you know to be closely, because i discovered that she lived not so far form my house... in another neighbor but no so far.Hahaha :LOL: a very arcaic way to know a girl... hey but that was time ago and i was DESESPERATED for her. So i changed. After that... i searched the way to be near her in the bus . After some days, i finally met her.

    There was not much to talk about... because with a simple sigh.. u can say a lot of things.. and till today i still know girl just with saying things with my sigh. Its easier for me in that way.

    Well and the rest is history. I discovered by talking with her that she was attracted by me a little, so it made things MUCH easier.

    And well, the day that we started to go out together.... and we kissed each other.... i still cant forget it..... i was like "At last!!!! finally!!!". . i still can even remember her warm lips in that night!!!. It was one of the bext experiences i had in my life..because i fought very hard for that girl, (there were some guys after her in that time) And there is nothing better that when you receive your compensation for ur efforts!!! :D

    That was years ago, and of course after her, there has been other girls.... but no one like her.... because it was special!. U are getting my point right? ;)

    Now in University thins are different and not so special , if u know what im talking about :p

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