The biggest Moment in my Life! (1 Viewer)


Il Tedesco
Feb 1, 2005
Last year i was in Salice!
Only to see my stars, you think it was holiday?
No it was hard work, every day about 12 hours standig at the playershotel or watch the training!
And this 5 days!
I get a jersey from last year with the signs from Del Piero, Buffon, Capello, Chillini, Miccoli, Appiah, Kapo, Blasi, Pesotto, Thuram, Legro, Bonnefoi and Nedved!
And Photos with: Zambrotta, Miccoli, Appiah, Blasi, Chimenti,Kapo, Legro!
And the best: with!! Alessandro Del Piero!! :cool::D

And this was the day:
Like every day i came to the Training court(it was the stadium from salice), but not all players enterd the field!
Camoranesi, Buffon, Maresca(before he leave us), Zambrotta, Trezeguet and also Alex Del Piero drive to a golf club 200m from the training court for a special kondi training!
I went also to the club, but everywhere: Secruity!
But then i got the idea to walk around the area, because their was no fen (or wall)!
I must to walk throug some bushes and little trees!
but than i was very near!
A Secruityguy:fero: wanted to hunted me away but I stayed until the end!
And than i run to the players, camo zambro treze buffon and maresca drive away with a cady, but alex wanted to drove with a bike!
I cried: "Alex, prego, uno Photo, uno Photo!"
He nicked (it seems yes!:D)! I looked to the security (5 people)! They nicked to!
And than a scruityguy maked the photo!
8 seconds with Alessandro Del Piero! Wow:eek:
I talked a little bit with him, and he drove away with a bike!

oh my god!

Forza Juve
Forza Del Piero

Buy on


Chickenegro no funny
Jan 14, 2005
should be careful on those golf courses. wouldnt want to get hit with a ball and end up a vege burger. Not really worth it for a signature :D


Il Tedesco
Feb 1, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #4
    I tried to hit the first security-guy with a golf-ball, but i was to unluckey:frown::cool:

    Forza juve


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    how bad is Dp's hair receeding?? He is gonna be bald soon....

    Anyway ... well done for the photo...musta taken patience.


    Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
    Oct 27, 2004
    OMG, meet with Del Piero! I wish I had that chance ;) I'm really really happy for u lucky one!


    Il Tedesco
    Feb 1, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #16
    most of the days the arena was sold out!
    You must pay 8 euros for am and pm!!!:eek:
    But it was cool!

    can anyone told me how i can insert more photos in one reply!

    Forza Juve


    Il Tedesco
    Feb 1, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #17
    ++ [ originally posted by David Del Piero ] ++
    OMG, meet with Del Piero! I wish I had that chance ;) I'm really really happy for u lucky one!
    thank you and good luck for you!! :thumb:

    ++[ originally posted by Majed ]++[/]
    Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Saviola?

    :shocked:noone tell me that! but thanks! its a honour for me i like him very well!:LOL:

    ++ [ originally posted by John #10 ] ++
    how bad is Dp's hair receeding?? He is gonna be bald soon.... was very warm 2. it was after a hard training 3. so he gonna get sweat!:D

    me and the amazing Kapo!


    In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
    Jun 25, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by John #10 ] ++
    how bad is Dp's hair receeding?? He is gonna be bald soon....

    Anyway ... well done for the photo...musta taken patience.
    My thoughts exactly. Too bad for him. Now his career as a football player seems to be over he doesn't even have his good looks anymore to fall back on.


    Il Tedesco
    Feb 1, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #20
    ++ [ originally posted by Muscolino9 ] ++
    Good stuff, Tino. You clearly had a great time.. :thumb:
    oh yes, oh yes!!:thumb:

    here the next photo for you!!:

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