The Azzurri Are Truly Back!!!!!!!!!!! (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
Well i Didn't see Totti playing on the wing Before, The idea is Quite Interesting, we should try it some time and see what will happen and if will Totti can make it on the right Wing. But honestly i can't see it happening.

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
Nesta sees Azzurri glory


Italy are good enough to win the 2004 European Championship according to Alessandro Nesta.

"We know that we are capable of achieving great things," he said in the aftermath of the 4-0 drubbing of Wales.

"All we have to do is look around the changing room to understand that we have nothing to envy from any other country."

The Milan defender’s statement is definitely a brave one considering that the national side have yet to assure themselves a place in Portugal next summer.

"We’ve been unfortunate in the past," continued the Lazio youth product. "At Euro 2000 we demonstrated that we were the best apart from in the game against Holland.

"At the World Cup, we basically threw it away. For a side with so much potential we have achieved little. It is time to make up for that."

One of the main architects behind the Azzurri’s rejuvenation is boss Giovanni Trapattoni who was close to the axe after the nightmare World Cup.

"That tournament is part of the past now," added the stopper. "Trap deserved the faith which he was given."


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Catenaccio ] ++
Or perhaps:



-----Totti-------------Del Piero-----


I know that playing Totti on the right sounds weird but Oddo can take care of a lot of that wing just like Zambro does for DP. Gattusso & Tacch can play and help the defence. Even if we played a team with strong wingers...they would have to have balls to attack hard down our wings cause our counter-attack is enough to stop them.

i.e when Oddo attacks, Totti drifts toward the centre....when Zambro attacks, DP moves to centre. When either wing attack...Gattusso and Tacch go back and protect the defence against a counter.

You got to remember that even though DP plays on the left he is not in an out and out left wing position because of Zambro.

Something we should try in a friendly.
i dont like it very much nor i think it will ever happen.. it will bring down the witdh quality of the team... our attack will be too centre concetrated.. like liverpool and inter of the past season... and i think fullbacks shoot prioritize more on defending than attack.. the most suitable solution when totti is available is to drop inzaghi and do the 4231... we cant simply stop adapting to that tactic just becoz we won big agaisnt wales and inzaghi score a hattrick...


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
I agree too but if we qualify early....we might as well try a few things. I think we should experiment with slight alterations in tactics rather than new players...we have pretty much given everyone who deserves a shot a shot.

I mean no matter what the tactic...the following players will (and should be) in the staring 11:

Buffon, Canna, Nesta, Zambro, Totti, Del Piero, Vieri - Thats 7 out of 11.

The interesting thing to ponder is that if we go with 4-2-3-1 as our core formation at Euro04 - how many forwards/strikers do we take?

Well I can see Trap calling: Miccoli, Totti, Del Piero, Vieri, Inzaghi, Corradi. Thats 6 forwards - that would be the most Italy has ever taken in a squad of 23...and I wouldn't be surprised if he threw in Di Vaio or Delvecchio as well.

I think we need to test a new sub for Zambro and Oddo (although I think Trap will stick with Panucci). I don't think the decision on the DMs is anywhere near done although one would think that it would include: Zanetti, Perrotta, Gattuso, Tacch and who else?? hmmmm.

And who would be the sub for DP in that 4-2-3-1? Miccoli I guess?!

Interesting things to consider.


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
Di Vaio is the ideal sub for Del Piero in the 4-2-3-1 system.

It should be like this.:

Del Piero -----> Di Vaio / Delvecchio
Totti ------> Miccoli / Fiore
Camoranesi ------> Fiore / Miccoli.
Vieri ------> Corradi / Inzaghi.

I guess that's the best you can get out of this squad and formation. :strong:


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
i dont think inzaghi is considered as vieri replcament in the 4 231..

by the way .. i dont quite fond of traps hobby of pondering with the tactic... why cant he just build the team around one tactic... if one is injured , he just should bring in the stand by replcement instead of changing the tactic all together.. the NT only meet only once a month at best and theere are players that actually took time to adapt to new position different to the one that they play at club eveyday... the team will be stronger if all the players knew their role well by heart and that couldnt happen if they have to learn new roles every time...


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Here's my Italy squad for Euro2004:

Buffon (Toldo, Cudicini) - Oddo (Birindelli), Nesta (Ferrari), Cannavaro (Legrottaglie), Zambrotta (Coco) - Tacchinardi (Zanetti), Gattuso (Perrotta) - Camoranesi (Fiore), Totti (Miccoli), Del Piero (Di Vaio) - Vieri (Corradi, Inzaghi)

It's a 25 man squad so if the limitation is 23 then two of Toldo, Cudicini, Corradi and Inzaghi would be left at home.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Italy: Buffon; Panucci:wallbang:, Nesta, Cannavaro, Zambrotta; Camoranesi, Tacchinardi:thumb:, Perrotta, Del Piero; Vieri, Inzaghi


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
My squad:

GKs (3)

Cudicini (He has got to be better than Abbiatti0

DEF (7)


MID (7)


FWD (6)
Del Piero
Di Vaio


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
I would go for Corradi Instead of Inzaghi IMO. he is the ideal sub for Vieri when the latter gets injured. and more suitable for the 4-2-3-1 tactic than inzaghi.


Junior Member
Jun 11, 2003
I waited so long to see italy play some offensive fudbal, world cup 2002 was a disaster, against ecuador they scored on a counter attack,

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