Stephan Lichtsteiner (16 Viewers)


The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
Sport Mediaset: Tifosi vs Lichtsteiner
"Gesto dell'ombrello"
"Era: andate a casa"

What happened? "Gesto dell'ombrello" ??

While warming up, Fiorentina fans were telling him they wish he dies etc, at the end of the game Stephan did a gesture, he said it was a hand movement to tell the Fiorentina fans to leave, Fiorentina fans are accusing him of doing the above gesture


The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
"Non ho fatto alcun gestaccio dell'ombrello, ho solo fatto il segno di andare a casa. Ho passato tutto il riscaldamento a sentire insulti a me, a mia madre e alla mia famiglia. Quando è finita, ripeto, ho fatto il gesto di andare a casa. Questo per la precisione, sono uno svizzero io".
Lichtsteiner: "I didn't do the gesture (dell'ombrello), I only did a sign for them to go home. Throughout my warming up I heard insults to me, my mother and to my whole family. When the game was over, I repeat, I made a gesture for them to go home. This is just to be precise, after all I am Swiss"

The last part killed me


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011

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